Radio Select

This webview component allows users to choose a single option from a list of items. Each item can include a title, subtitle, image, and an action that is triggered upon selection.

Example usage

The following example demonstrates how to create a Radio Select webview. In this example, three categories are provided. When the user selects an option, a specified event is triggered with an associated parameter.

async payload => {
  const url = await webview.radioSelect.create({
    ref: 'category',
    title: 'Choose a category',
    items: [{
      title: 'Cat',
      subtitle: 'meows a lot',
      onSelect: {
        eventName: 'select',
        params: new Param('category', 'animal')
    }, {
      title: 'Feline',
      subtitle: 'purrs a bit',
      onSelect: {
        eventName: 'Select',
        params: new Param('category', 'species')
    }, {
      title: 'Kitten',
      subtitle: 'sleeps in abundance',
      onSelect: {
        eventName: 'Select',
        params: new Param('category', 'young')
  const buttons = new Buttons('Select a category')
  buttons.addButton(new Button({
    label: 'Choose category',
    type: 'webview',
    value: url

  const message = new Message(`Select a category ${url}`)

  return message


When creating a Radio Select webview, you can configure the following properties:

refstringpickup-dateOptional. Identifier to update the webview content.
titlestringChoose a dateRequired. Descriptive title shown at the top of the webview.
tintstring#FF0000Optional. Tint color used for the buttons.
searchbooleantrueOptional. Displays a search bar when set to true.
button.labelstringChoose itemOptional. Label for the confirmation button.


The Radio Select component is built using individual items. Each item represents an option and can include the following properties:


titlestringAwesome PhoneRequired. The main text for the item.
subtitlestring10" screen with 12GB memoryOptional. Secondary text.
lineBreakModestringwrapOptional. Use 'wrap' to enable multi-line titles.
imagestringhttps://.../thumbnail.pngOptional. URL for an image thumbnail to display with the item.
onSelect.eventNamestring"Date selected"Required. Event name triggered when the item is selected.
onSelect.paramParam or arraynew Param('productiId', 112234)Optional. Parameter(s) sent when the item is selected.

Item Examples

Item with image

Each item can include a thumbnail image. By default, the image is displayed as a square.
Recommended thumbnail size: At least 80x80 pixels.

const url = await webview.radioSelect.create({
  items: [{
    title: 'Cat',
    image: 'https://...',
    onSelect: {
      eventName: 'select',
      params: new Param('category', 'animal')

Item with subtitle

An item can include a subtitle to provide additional context.

const url = await webview.radioSelect.create({
  items: [{
    title: 'Cat',
    subtitle: 'meows a lot',
    onSelect: {
      eventName: 'select',
      params: new Param('category', 'animal')

Item with subtitle and image

You can also combine an image and a subtitle for a more descriptive option.

const url = await webview.radioSelect.create({
  items: [{
    title: 'Cat',
    image: 'https://...',
    subtitle: 'meows a lot',
    onSelect: {
      eventName: 'select',
      params: new Param('category', 'animal')