Setting the Configuration using Toolbelt Configuration API

About Configuration

Configuration allows you to share values globally throughout your project. These values:

  • Are Encrypted
  • Are Stored at the project level and
  • Don’t expire.

API keys, session keys, and other variables used across various cloud code actions are examples of configuration.

You can change the configuration using the Toolbelt Configuration API or Actions UI.

Code example

An example is to retrieve the secret key and use it to set the value.

async payload => {

    try {
        const secret = await toolbelt
        // Make a GET call Check for specifics
        //we use secret_key config as api key to make a request
        const result = await request.get(`${secret}`)
        //return results of api request to message
        return new Message(
    } catch (err) {

Setting a value

Use the toolbelt.config.set() method to set and store data. The data must be provided as a key and value to save it.

A code snippet to set a value is given below.

async payload => {

        const secret = await toolbelt

Fetching a value

Use the get() method to fetch the key value.

A code snippet to fetch the key value is given below:

async payload => {

    const secret = await toolbelt



If there are no data available, the get() method returns a null value.

Removing values

Use the delete() method to remove a specific key value.

A code snippet to remove a value.

async payload => {
  // Remove a specific key
  await toolbelt

Reference Fields for Methods

toolbelt.config.set(key, value)

Set the config value.

This method returns a promise value.

Field Values and Description

KeystringA key value
ValuestringA string to store
promisestringA promise that resolves with a set value.

toolbelt.config.update(key, value)

Updates the config value.

This method returns a promise value.

Field Values and Description

KeystringA key value
ValuestringA string to store
promisestringA promise that will be resolved with the updated value.


Retrieve data from config by key.

This method returns a promise value.

Field Values and Description

KeystringKey used to find the data
promisestringA promise that is resolved with the value being stored or null if the key does not exist.


Remove data from config by key.

This method returns a promise value.

Field Values and Description

KeystringA key value
promisestringA promise that resolves with the deleted key data.