Flow Socket API example

A Flow Socket API example demonstrating how to open a connection and send a test message.

We provide a [Flow JavaScript SDK] (https://github.com/flow-ai/flowai-js), but the following example demonstrates opening a connection and sending a test message using vanilla JavaScript in the browser.


    (function () {
      // Vanilla JS example
      // When executing this script. Check your development console for any messages

      // This identifies the channel we want to connect with
      var clientId = 'YOUR CLIENTID'

      // Global references to our WebSocket and interval
      var ws
      var keepalive

      // This methos is where we send test messages
      function runTestMessages() {

        var message = {
          "type": "message.send",
          "payload": {
            "threadId": "jane.doe",
            "speech": "event attachment",
            "attachment": {
              "type": "event",
              "payload": {
                "name": "MY EVENT"
            "originator": {
              "name": "Jane Doe",
              "role": "external",
              "profile": {
                "fullName": "Jane Doe",
                "firstName": "Jane",
                "lastName": "Doe",
                "gender": "F",
                "locale": "en-US",
                "timezone": -5,
                "country": "us",
                "email": "[email protected]",
                "picture": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:YellowLabradorLooking_new.jpg"
              "metadata": {
                "clientNumber": "12345",
                "preference": "A,B,G"


      // Get a new wss endpoint
      function getWsEndpoint() {
        console.info('Request endpoint')
        // socket.info endpoint
        var socketInfoUrl = 'https://sdk.flow.ai/socket.info?clientId=' + clientId + '&sessionId=' + Date.now();

        // Create a GET request
        var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
        req.onload = wsEndpointResponse
        req.responseType = 'json';
        req.open('GET', socketInfoUrl, true);

      // Called when we get a response from socket.info
      // validate the response and open a websocket connection
      function wsEndpointResponse(e) {
        console.info('Received endpoint')

        var xhr = e.target;

        if(xhr.response.status !== 'ok') {
          // This is not OK..
          console.error('Error while fetching wss url', xhr.response)

        // Get the endpoint from the response
        var endpoint = xhr.response.payload.endpoint


      // Open a new websocket connection
      function startWebsocket(endpoint) {
        console.info('Websocket start connection with endpoint', endpoint)
        // Create a new socket
        ws = new WebSocket(endpoint);
        ws.onopen = wsOnOpen;
        ws.onmessage = wsOnMessage;

      // Handler called when the socket makes a connection
      function wsOnOpen(e) {
        console.info('Websocket connection open')

        // Start the keepalive

        // Run our test messages

      // Handler called when the socket receives a message
      function wsOnMessage(e) {
        var json = JSON.parse(e.data)
        console.info('Websocket received json', json)

      // Simple keep alive method (sending pings)
      function wsStartKeepalive() {

        // Send a ping 30 seconds
        keepalive = setInterval(function() {
            "type": "ping"
        }, 30 * 1000)

      // Helper method for sending messages
      function wsSendMessage(message) {

      // Start with sending a GET request for a WSS endpoint