Other Actions: Analytics

This is an overview of the current analytics.


The number of unique customer interactions is called threads per day. For channels like Messenger, these are equal to the number of unique users interacting with your app per day. When you have an anonymous web chat this number can deviate.

Group messages are channel-specific and user-agnostic.


The number of chat messages sent and received by the system. When the user sends 5 messages this would result in 1 interaction and 5 messages for that day.

Sent messages

A breakdown of the origin of messages being sent back to users.

  • System: Bot, webhooks, or other integrations
  • User: Messages sent using the Chat app
  • Moderator: Any other outside source replying to customers


The number of "chat sessions" gives insight into the number of conversations with one customer interacting.

For example, when a user on Messenger sends 5 messages within 2 hours, this would be considered as 1 interaction, 5 messages, and 2 sessions being reported. The engagement rate would be the average of messages sent (2,5).


The screenshot below displays the number of users interacting with the bot, broken down into total, new, and active users. In the web widget, individual users can't be tracked as it is an anonymous channel.


Automatically measures the sentiment of user-sent messages. Ranges from -100 (very negative) to +100 (very positive). Everything between -30 and +30 is neutral.