Other Actions: Audience
Flow Audience provides an overview of all contacts interacting with your project.
Contacts are related to channels. Once a user interacts with the bot they will show up in the contacts list.
Group contacts together using segments is created by specifying conditions. Typically Tags are used to build a segment of users. For example, opt-in for a certain message; like a pre-order of a product.
You can import contacts for channels that support phone numbers (MSISDN) using a CSV file.
CSV File
The following example demonstrates a CSV file that can be imported
full name,phone number,first name,last name,language,tag SUCCESSFULL_LEAD,tag OCTOBER_SALE,metadata channel_whatsapp
John Doe,+14155552682,John,Doe,en
full name
A required field. If the name is unknown, add Anonymous.
phone number
Required MSISDN. Provide the phone number in the E.164 format. E.164 phone number formatting entails the following:
- A + (plus) sign (replacing the International Call Prefix like 011)
- International Country Calling code
- Local Area code
- Local Phone number. For example: +14155552682
first name
Required first name
last name
Required last name
Optional two-letter language code based on ISO 639-1.
Optional tags that can be attached to all imported contacts. You can specify as many as you need by putting the next structure tag {TAG_NAME} to the headers of your CSV file. The length of a single tag is limited by 1024 characters.
Optional metadata fields can be attached to all imported contacts. You may want to use this information later in Cloud Actions or flow Conditions. You can specify as many as you need by putting the next structure metadata {KEY_VALUE} to the headers of your CSV file. The length of a single metadata key/value record is limited to 1024 characters.
Updated 9 months ago