Create user export

Generate a User export




The URL for Care Analytics depends on your regional location. Please refer to the Analytics Reports API Reference Overview for more information.

Runs a User export. See Analytics Reports API quickstart for more details.



We also support a GET version of this endpoint; however, POST is the recommended method. If you choose to use the GET method, pass all data as query parameters.



For POST method, you must pass the body parameters as x-www-form-urlencoded.



The following columns are returned only when the export is generated in JSON:


These columns provide time values in milliseconds (datatype String) in order to provide the values in a format that is more convenient for calculations.

All fields in exports are of the datatype String and have a field length of unbounded. Times will be formatted per the Company setting OR the Locale that the user specifies when running the export.

All arguments are case-sensitive.

The workflowId and the runId in the response are unique IDs specific to this export job. The IDs are used by the /reports/report/workflowId/runId/status and /reports/report/workflowId/runId/download endpoints to check the status of an export job and to download it.

Make a GET request to the /reports/report/<workflowId>/<runId>/status endpoint as shown in the statusUrl field to check the status of the job. When the result.runnerState is CLOSED and result.detail is COMPLETED in the response to /reports/report/<workflowId>/<runId>/status, you are ready to run the endpoint in the downloadUrl. An empty value for downloadUrl indicates that the export has not ready.

Make a GET request to the /reports/report/workflowId/runId/download endpoint as shown in the downloadUrl field to download the export locally.

See Using timezone with timezoneOffset when making a request with these parameters.

See Using reportMetrics to learn how to specify a limited set of columns to return in the export.
