Author v2 API

Create author integrations between Khoros Care and CRMs

The Author API enables author integrations between Khoros Care and CRMs, providing Care agents with a more detailed view of the Author Profile while communicating with customers.

The Author API supports native integrations with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Khoros communities, as well as CRM systems.

With the Author POST, PUT, and GET calls you can:

  • Post new authors and custom CRM author attributes to Care from data received from the CRM
  • Join associated author records in Care
  • Modify or add attribute values
  • Retrieve or update aggregated author data by an author ID, Social Response ID, user name, or handle
  • Retrieve all authors in a paginated response
  • Retrieve changed author records

For example, you can use a PUT call to associate a Twitter ID with a CRM record in Care. Any conversations that include the Twitter ID will automatically show the associated CRM information. If that CRM author ID is new to the Care system, a new author record for the CRM author will be created and then joined with the Twitter author record passed in. If the CRM author ID already exists in Care, then the records are joined and updated as needed. After the joins and updates are complete, a Care agent will see both the CRM author data and the Twitter author data in the same Author Profile view. As part of the Author Integration configuration process, you can also configure custom CRM author attributes to present as an URL that links directly to a record in a CRM system.

Further, you can write tag rules against custom CRM author attributes, enabling you to create priority and routing rules, just as you do with other Care attributes.



All CRM Author Integrations require configuration by Khoros Support or Services prior to using the Author API.



Updates (PUT calls) to manipulate Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, author attributes are not supported. For example, you cannot update the follower count of a Twitter author. These types of attributes are considered protected by the source networks, and this restriction ensures the integrity of the data maintained by the social integration.


All Author API endpoints require HTTP Basic Authentication. Create a dedicated API user account and contact Support as described in the HTTP authentication.