Define Object Structures

Define object structures for a specified type


This endpoint specifies the unique fields available for your Customer and Case objects in your CRM. Each field specified here will be presented to the Khoros Care Admin to configure for Khoros Care Agent visibility in the Company Settings page.

When enabled, the fields will dictate JSON properties communicated from Khoros to your server. For example, if your Case object specifies:

	"name": "case",
	"fields": [
			"name": "clubNo",
			"label": "Customer Club Number",
			"type": "text",
			"searchable": false

Then Spredfast will present Customer Club Number as a field to Agents when creating a case, and pass the data onto your server with a payload similar to:

	"customerId": "<some id>",
	"title": "Case title",
	"interactions": [...],
	"clubNo": "<specified club number>"

Currently, only Customer objects are searchable via Spredfast, therefore any Case fields marked "searchable": true will have no affect on the system.

Responses and Response Schema

200 (Object's Fields Response)
Object's Fields Response
Field NameTypeDescription
fields object
Field NameTypeDescription
name*stringThe name of the property on the object. This will be passed as a JSON field in Customer and Case objects, replacing the custom<Type>Field properties specified.
searchable*booleanWhether this field can be used when searching.
label*stringThe label of the field to display to Khoros Care Company Admins during configuration.

Allowed Values: text, textarea, single_sel_list, checkbox
listValuesarrayOnly present on single_sel_list type.
listValues object
Field NameType
400 (Generic Errors)
Field NameTypeDescription
error*stringName of the error or code.
message*stringMessage passable to the user.
401 (Invalid API Key)
API key is invalid or has become de-authenticated.
404 (Meta Type Not Supported)
Requested meta type is not supported.
500 (Unexpected Error)
Field NameTypeDescription
error*stringName of the error or code.
message*stringMessage passable to the user.