Create Care author

Add an author to Care


Adds an author to Care

(To batch update/create multiple authors, see PUT /authors.

The id field is required for all network types. The networkinstance field is required for network types crm and lithium. Note the syntax used when associating an author with one versus multiple, unique CRM or Khoros Community network types. Examples of each use case are provided below.



If a CRM author integration or custom CRM author attribute has not been configured in Social Response by Khoros Support or Khoros Services, the call will return a 400 error.

This payload links the author with a single CRM and a Twitter account.

    "handles": {
        "crm": [{
            "networkinstance": "integrationA",
            "id": "wertw34643er"
        "twitter": [{
            "id": "sdffgs346fghs"

This payload associates a new author with two CRMs and a Twitter account. If you were going to associate the author with multiple Community apps, you would include a lithium entry under handles similar to the one shown here for crm.

"handles": {
    "crm": [{
            "network instance": "CRM_A",
            "id”: “34233452",
            "attributeA”: "valueA"

            "network instance”: "CRM_B",
            "id": "547376rtydfg",
            "attributeA": "valueA"
    "twitter": [{
            "id": "dghfh456363"

Related endpoints

Get all authors in a paginated response
Batch update author records associated with a single author
GET/authors/lswUuid(br />)Get author details by the unique Care author ID
Update or merge existing author handles for the specified Care author ID
Get a list of author records that have changed in a 24-hour period