Update author by source network ID

Update a single author by source network ID on the default instance of the source network


Updates a single author by source network ID on the default instance of the source network. The ID passed in the URL must exist in Care or the call will fail.

See About Author API PUT actions for important details.

Use this for a networktype of "facebook", "twitter", or "instagram" where there is a single, default instance. If the network is of type "crm" or "lithium" where there can be multiple instances, use:

"handles": {
     "crm": [
               "networkinstance": "sfdc1",
               "id": "394502",
               “customFieldName": "customFieldValue"
     "twitter": [
               "id": 15165502,

Related endpoints

Get a single author by source network ID where the source network has only a single, default instance, such as Facebook or Twitter
Return one or more authors by the networkhandle passed in for the specified instance of a network.
Update a single author by network ID on a specific instance of that network
Get one or more authors by the networkhandle passed in for the specified source network
Returns one or more authors by the networkhandle passed in for the specified instance of a network.