
Returns info for a specific case


Responses and Response Schema

Top-level Object
Field NameTypeDescription
number*stringThe case number to display to Khoros Care Agents
customerId*stringThe ID of the customer associated with this new case.
title*stringThe title of the case.
description*stringThe longer form description of the case.
url*stringThe URI the agent can click on to see the case.
lastUpdated*stringISO8601 DateTime of when the case was last updated.
created*stringISO8601 DateTime of when the case was created.
status*stringAllowed Values open, closed
customCasePropertyOnestringAn example of a custom field on the Case object. These will only be present if specified via the createCase endpoint.
customCasePropertyTwostringAn example of a custom field on the Case object. These will only be present if specified via the /meta/object/case endpoint.
Interactions Object
Field NameTypeDescription
created*stringThe creation date of the interaction on the origin service.
body*stringThe text of the interaction.
linkUrl*stringThe direct link to the context on the origin service when available.
serviceId*stringThe social service the interaction originated.
service*stringThe social service the interaction originated.
contentType*stringThe type of content the interaction is on the origin service. Examples include: post, comment, etc.
Author Object
Field NameTypeDescritpion
service*stringThe social service of the author.
serviceId*stringThe id of the author on the origin service.
handle*stringThe handle of the author on the origin service.
name*stringThe screen name of the author on the origin service.
brandOwned*booleanA flag that signals if the author belongs to an account added to the platform.
Field NameTypeDescription
errorstringName of the error code.
messagestringMessage passable to the user.
API key is invalid or has become de-authenticated
No case exists with the provided ID
Unexpected Error
Field NameTypeDescription
errorstringName of the error or code.
messagestringMessage passable to the user.