Learn about Care author attributes
Khoros Care has different categories of attributes and it is important to understand how
each type functions before using the Author API.
The categories are:
- System author attributes - the attributes that exist by default, provided by Care. These include: gender, location, time zone, language, occupation, and birthday
- Custom CRM author attributes - custom attributes associated with a specific CRM instance
- Custom author attributes - any custom attributes not used with a CRM author integration. This might be something like Screen Name or Registration Date
The following image shows how the different attribute categories display in the user interface.

You must file a support ticket with Khoros Support or Khoros Services to have any custom attributes configured. Read Author attribute integration integration to learn what information to provide in the support ticket.
System and custom author attributes cannot be applied at the CRM-author level. They also cannot be created by the Author API, although they can be updated. The only author attributes you can POST with the Author API are CRM author attributes, and those must be applied at the CRM instance (i.e. Author Integration) level. All types of attributes will be returned with a GET call.