Create user export

Generate a User export

Added October 2019

Generate a User export. See Analytics Reports API quickstart for more details. All arguments are case-sensitive.



The following columns are returned only when the export is generated in JSON:


These columns provide time values in milliseconds (datatype String) in order to provide the values in a format that is more convenient for calculations.



You may also generate a User Export using POST /reports/report/user. POST is the recommended method to use for this endpoint. Note that if you use the POST version of this call, you pass all parameters except for companyKey in the request body.



If passing the agentId query parameter, see Using agentId with teamId.

The workflowId and the runId in the response are unique IDs specific to this export job. The IDs are used by the /reports/report/workflowId/runId/status and /reports/report/workflowId/runId/download endpoints to check the status of an export job and to download it.

Make a GET request to the /reports/report/<workflowId>/<runId>/status endpoint as shown in the statusUrl field to check the status of the job. When the result.runnerState is CLOSED and result.detail is COMPLETED in the response to /reports/report/<workflowId>/<runId>/status, you are ready to run the endpoint in the downloadUrl. An empty value for downloadUrl indicates that the export has not ready.

Make a GET request to the /reports/report/workflowId/runId/download endpoint as shown in the downloadUrl field to download the export locally.

See Define columns to return in an export to learn how to specify a limited set of columns to return in the export.
