Disassociating authors and author attributes from a Person

Learn how to disassociate attributes from authors using the Author API

The Khoros Care UI enables agents to disassociate attributes (including author attributes) from a Person. As of the February 2018 release, we provide this same support via the Author API.

Suppose you have a Person (John Doe) in the system with the following person-level and author attributes:

John Doe

  • Birthday: 1970-01-01
  • Twitter author account: 4989834534
  • Facebook author account: 2342342352

Suppose you want to split the Facebook author and the birthday attributes from this John Doe person. The /split call in the Author API disassociates the JohnDoe author account (and any other attributes you specify) from the John Doe Person and creates a new person in the system.

The URL for this call is:
POST /api/v2/authors/networks/twitter/instances/twitter/ids/4989834534/split

The author specified in the URL (/networks/twitter/instances/twitter/ids/4989834534) identifies which Person you want to work with. This means that only one person can be disassociated from an attribute in an API call - there is no batch disassociation call.

In the body of the request, you pass which attributes you want to split and associate with a new person. This payload is formatted in the standard author API JSON format.

    "birthday": "1970-01-01",
    "handles": {
        "facebook": [
                "networkinstance": "facebook",
                "id": "2342342352"

After this call, you would have two people in the system:

John Doe

  • Twitter author account: 4989834534

New Person

  • Facebook author account: 2342342352
  • Birthday: 1970-01-01

HTTP status codes and disassociation requests

  • 400 – This status code is usually returned when the disassociation request contains an association that does not exist
  • 429 - This status code indicates a rate limit error. Response will keep resubmitting the disassociation request