Send a bot response with a secure form

Send a secure form as a bot response.


Send a secure form as a bot response with a POST request to /bots/v3/form.



  • Khoros Care does not allow a bot to send any PCI form.
  • You can send a secure form only with non-expired fields as a bot response.
typeThe payload type. Always secure_form.
coordinateA Coordinate object. This object contains details about the bot and the message in context. It is used by Khoros Care.
authorAn Author object representing the message auhor on the source channel.
commentThe bot response comment. This is a required field.
secureFormIdThe secure form ID you want to send.

Example Secure Form JSON Payload

    "type": "secure_form",
    "coordinate": {
        "companyKey": "<COMPANY-ID>",
        "networkKey": "brandmessenger",
        "externalId": "<EXTERNAL-ID>",
        "botId": "<BOT-ID>",
        "scope": "PRIVATE",
        "normalizedAuthorId": "<AUTHOR-ID>",
        "messageId": "<MESSAGE-ID>"
    "author": {
        "id": "<AUTHOR-ID>",
        "fullName": "<AUTHOR-NAME>"
    "comment": "let's send a non-pci form",
    "secureFormId": "AABBCCDD-1122-4A5B-A12R-123456DDD789"