Listening API object definitions

Definitions for objects used by the Listening API

This guide provides object definitions for the Discussion, Message, Author, Media objects used by the Listening API.

Discussion object

Provide these fields when sending a Discussion object.

Field Description
messages (Required) Array of Message
networkSourceName String used to create an expanded source tag for the social network.

Here is an example source tag when the field is blank: Custom > BrickTube

Here is an example source tag when the field is populated: Custom > Bricktube > NetworkSourceName

Message object

Provide these fields when sending a Message object.

Field Description
network (Required) This should always be “Custom”
networkInstance (Required) Must match the instance ID that was configured for the integration on Social Response without the URL schema. Example: `` if integration was configured with Instance ID ``
id (Required) ID of the post on the social network
author (Required) See Author fields
publishDate (Required) Date the document was published on the social media site. Represented in milliseconds since epoch. For the Listening API, this should be current time or a time within a few seconds of the request.
postContent (Required) Text that was posted on the social network
url (Required) Permalink to the social network where the content can be found
isPrivate Indicates the content is not public on the social network. Assumed false if not explicitly specified. Examples of private content are private messages and direct messages.
inReplySourceId ID of the parent post if the current post is in response to another
media See Media fields
text (Required) This is a duplicate of postContent. This will be deprecated in a future release.
file (Required) The title of the message


The value of the publishDate field should be within a few seconds of the request. Any times outside of this will result in a successful response, but the conversation will not be created.

Author object

Provide these fields when sending an Author object.

Field Description
id (Required) ID of the author on the social network
name (Required) Full name of the author on the social network Example: John Doe
screenName (Required) Screen name of the author on the social network Example: JohnDoe1970
avatarUrl Valid URL of the author’s avatar image on the social network
location Location of the author as reported on the social network
profileUrl Valid URL to the author’s profile page on the social network

Media object

Provide these fields when sending a Media object.

Field Description
url (Required) Valid URL to the media on the social network
type (Required) Type of media; IMAGE, VIDEO, LINK
thumbUrl Valid URL to a preview of the media on the social network
title Title of the media on the social network
caption Caption text for the media on the social network
summary Summary text for the media on the social network