Khoros Care APIs

An overview of Khoros Care APIs

Khoros Care has APIs to integrate and interact with Khoros Care and Care Analytics, and the Automation Framework.

  • The Khoros Care v1 and v2 APIs enable you to integrate with the Khoros Care Response app.
  • The Khoros Care v3 APIs are used with the Automation Framework
  • The Care Analytics API enables you to generate Analytics Reports exports

The table below provides the base URLs and authentication mechanism used with each of the Khoros Care APIs.

APIBase URL/API Gateway/DescriptionAuthentication
Care API v1 authentication
Work Queue v1Filter conversations by work queue
Care API v2 authentication
Authentication v2Generate a JWT for HTTP authentication to Bot API v3
Author v2Create author integrations between Khoros Care and CRMs
Bot API v2Build Facebook and Twitter bot integrations
Conversation v2Retrieve conversation IDs and details
Conversation Tag Rules v2Retrieve conversation tag rules in Care.
GDPR v2Remove personal data from Khoros Care
Listening v2Bring content into Care from source platforms
not supported with out-of-the-box integration
Smart Views v2Get a list of all Smart Views and their IDs
Tag API v2Retrieve details about tags in Response
Work Queue v2Get a list of all non-archived work queues and their IDs

All Dev instances use the US gateway
JWT authentication
Bot v3Create bot integrations using the Automation Framework
Care Analytics APIEMEA/APAC:
Basic authentication
Analytics ReportsGenerate Analytic Reports exports