Get export job status

Check the status of an export job. This endpoint is returned in the statusUrl field of the response to a generate export requests (e.g., /reports/report/author).


Retrieves the status of an export run job. See Analytics Reports API quickstart for more details.

Every export generation endpoint (such as /reports/report/author ) returns a statusUrl field that includes the version of the /reports/report/<workflowId>/<runId>/status endpoint that includes the workflowId, runId, and analyticsAccessToken specific to that job.

When you make a request to the endpoint, look for a result.runnerState of CLOSED and a result.detail of COMPLETED. When these conditions are met, make a GET request to the endpoint in the downloadUrl field in the response to download the export.



Until the result.runnerState is CLOSED and the result.detail is COMPLETED, you will not see a value for downloadUrl because the export job is not finished or has not finished successfully. If the export job is not finished, wait for a while and then run the statusUrl endpoint again. Export job run times vary.
