Get conversation tag rule definitions

Return all conversation tag rule definitions in the Khoros Care system


Return all conversation tag rule definitions in the Khoros Care

Response details

data section keys

Key Type Description
id integer The ID of the conversation tag rule
tagId integer The ID of the tag associated with the rule
definitions array Tag rule definitions associated with the tag rule. The system applies these with OR logic, meaning that if any of them pass as True for a given conversation, it will be tagged. The definitions array items consist of the follow keys:
  • type - (string) The type of rule: KEYWORD, LUCENE, or REGEX. This corresponds to the Conversation Rule Type selected when creating the tag rule.
  • value - (string) The keyword, Lucene query, or regex entry defined for the rule.
  • language - (string) The language selected for the rule. This is usually null unless a specific language was selected for the rule.
  • operator - (string) The operator for the rule. The possible options are ANY and ALL. This field will be non-null for KEYWORD type rules only.

_metadata section keys

Key Type Description
paging N/A Data needed to handle pagination. The paging key consists of the following:
  • offset - (integer) The number of items to skip before returning results
  • limit (integer) The number of items to return
  • moreContent(boolean) Whether or not there are more results available

Using the _metadata key

The use of the _metadata key's paging entry is useful to avoid making a final API request that returns HTTP 404 when you have paginated through all the available results. The offset and limit values will be equal to what was supplied in the request URL. If moreContent is false, that means you can stop making paginated requests and collate the data you have received.
