Batch update author records by author

Batch update author records associated with a single author


Batch updates author records associated with a single author.

See About Author API PUT actions for important details.

When making batch author updates, you do not pass a networkid or networktype. New author records will be created in the system and associated with the existing authors. See PUT /authors for additional author update scenarios.

Because you do not specify the internal ID of the author in the call, the API selects the author ID associated with a handle type (i.e. the network/provider type) passed in the JSON. The API reads the provider types in a particular order and selects the first handle to appear within the provider found first.

For batch author updates that contain malformed data, the API updates the data that passes validation and fails on the updates that do not pass validation. The response lists successful updates in the data section and lists failures in the metadata section.

This example shows a batch author update.


Related endpoints

Get all authors in a paginated response
Add an author to Care
GET/authors/lswUuid(br />)Get author details by the unique Care author ID
Update or merge existing author handles for the specified Care author ID
Get a list of author records that have changed in a 24-hour period