Legacy bot architectures and Facebook Handover Protocol
Learn about the differences between our legacy bot architecture (Bot API v2) and the Automation Framework
Khoros supports a legacy Bot architecture and Bot API v2. The legacy architecture supports Facebook and Twitter networks only and requires a unique bot for each Facebook page or Twitter handle. Use the legacy architecture and Bot API v2 if your bot integration uses Facebook Handover Protocol.
We recommend using the Automation Framework, when possible.
The legacy bot architecture uses different API gateways and endpoints (Bot API v2) from the Automation Framework and Bot API v3.
With the Automation Framework, the bot listens for messages and events from Khoros, not the source channel. In the legacy bot architecture, the bot listens for messages and events from the source channel.
The main difference between the Automation Framework and the legacy framework is that the Automation Framework provides a common interface to develop a bot against multiple source channels, including those that do not natively support bots.
Other key differences include:
- Legacy uses different API and gateway
- Legacy uses a Basic authentication
- Legacy requires a specific, limited API user account
- Legacy supports Facebook Handoff Protocol
Customers using the legacy Bot API may continue to use existing integrations. If you are interested in migrating legacy Facebook bot integrations to the Bot API, contact Khoros Services.
Updated over 1 year ago