reportMetrics values by export type
See the columns supported for each export type
This guide lists the available columns for each export type supported by the Analytics API.
How to use this guide
In the tables below
- Use the value in the reportMetric column in API requests to
/reports/report/<report type>
and/reports/report/marketing/<report type>
. See Define columns to return in an export for examples.) - The jsonPropertyName column lists the property name used for the corresponding reportMetric in JSON versions of the export. Use this to access the metric in JSON exports. (See Reading the export for an example.
- The Column Name column lists the column display ID displayed the corresponding reportMetric in CSV versions of the export. Use this to access the metric in CSV exports. (See Reading the export for an example.
You might need to scroll to the right to see the Column Name column.
Export Index by export ID
- raw_agent_states (Agent State Export)
- author (Raw Author Export)
- raw_brand_posts (Raw Brand Posts Export)
- combined (Combined Raw Export)
- conversation (Raw Conversations)
- conversation_actions (Conversation Actions Export)
- conversation_history_action (Conversation History Action Export)
- raw_expert_help (Help Request Export)
- incoming_post (Raw Incoming Post Export)
- response_approval (Response Approval)
- response (Raw Response Export)
- team_performance (Team Performance)
- team_performance_interval (Team Performance Interval)
- user (User)
raw_agent_states (Agent State Export)
See Agent State Export column definitions.
reportMetric | jsonPropertyName | Column Name |
AGENT_NAME | agentName | Agent Name |
AGENT_EMAIL | agentEmail | Agent Email |
AGENT_ID | agentDisplayId | Agent ID |
AGENT_TEAM | agentTeam | Agent Team |
AGENT_STATE | agentState | Agent State |
START_TIME | startTime | Start Time |
END_TIME | endTime | End Time |
TOTAL_TIME | totalStateTime | Total State Time (min) |
TOTAL_TIME_IN_RANGE | totalStateTimeInRange | Total State Time In Range (min) |
author (Raw Author Export)
See Raw Author Export column definitions.
reportMetric | jsonPropertyName | Column Name |
AGENT_DISPLAY_ID | smm_uuid | Lithium UUID |
TWITTER_NUM_HANDLES | TwitterNumHandles | # of Twitter Handles |
TWITTER_DISPLAY_NAMES | TwitterDisplayNames | Twitter Display Name(s) |
TWITTER_HANDLES | TwitterHandles | Twitter Handle(s) |
TWITTER_UID | TwitterUIDs | Twitter UID(s) |
FACEBOOK_NUM_HANDLES | FacebookNumHandles | # of Facebook Handles |
FACEBOOK_DISPLAY_NAMES | FacebookDisplayNames | Facebook Display Name(s) |
FACEBOOK_UID | FacebookUIDs | Facebook UID(s) |
LITHIUM_NUM_HANDLES | LithiumNumHandles | # of Lithium Handles |
LITHIUM_DISPLAY_NAMES | LithiumDisplayNames | Lithium Display Name(s) |
LITHIUM_HANDLES | LithiumHandles | Lithium Handle(s) |
LITHIUM_UID | LithiumUIDs | Lithium UID(s) |
INSTAGRAM_NUM_HANDLES | InstagramNumHandles | # of Instagram Handles |
INSTAGRAM_DISPLAY_NAMES | InstagramDisplayNames | Instagram Display Name(s) |
INSTAGRAM_HANDLES | InstagramHandles | Instagram Handles(s) |
INSTAGRAM_UID | InstagramUIDs | Instagram UID(s) |
RSS_NUM_HANDLES | RssNumHandles | # of RSS Handles |
RSS_UID | RssUIDs | RSS UID(s) |
EMAIL_NUM_ADDRESSES | EmailNumAddresses | # of Email Addresses |
EMAIL_ADDRESSES | EmailAddresses | Email Address(es) |
PHONE_NUM_ADDRESSES | PhoneNumNumbers | # of Phone Numbers |
PHONE_NUMBERS | PhoneNumbers | Phone Number(s) |
AUTO_TAGS_NUM | AutoTagNumTags | # of Auto Tags |
AUTO_TAGS_TAGS | AutoTagTags | Auto Tags |
MANUAL_TAGS_NUM | ManualTagNumTags | # of Manual Tags |
MANUAL_TAGS_TAGS | ManualTagTags | Manual Tags |
NUM_CONVERSATIONS | NumConversations | # of Total Conversations |
NUM_TWITTER_CONVERSATIONS | NumTwitterConversations | # of Twitter Conversations |
NUM_FACEBOOK_CONVERSATIONS | NumFacebookConversations | # of Facebook Conversations |
NUM_LITHIUM_CONVERSATIONS | NumLithiumConversations | # of Lithium Conversations |
CONVERSATION_ID | ConversationIDs | Conversation ID(s) |
NOTES | Notes | Author Notes |
GENDER | Gender | Gender |
LOCATION | Location | Location |
TIME_ZONE | TimeZone | Time Zone |
LANGUAGE | Language | Language |
OCCUPATION | Occupation | Occupation |
BIRTHDAY | Birthday | Birthday |
TWITTER_NUM_FOLLOWERS | TwitterNumFollowers | # of Twitter Followers |
TWITTER_VERIFIED | TwitterVerified | Twitter Verified |
TWITTER_PROFILE_LOCATION | TwitterProfileLocation | Twitter Profile Location |
LITHIUM_NUM_KUDOS | LithiumNumKudos | Lithium Kudos |
LITHIUM_NUM_POSTS | LithiumNumPosts | Lithium Posts |
LITHIUM_NUM_ACCEPTED_SOLUTIONS | LithiumNumAcceptedSolutions | Lithium Accepted Solutions |
LITHIUM_RANK | LithiumRank | Lithium Rank |
LITHIUM_REGISTRATION_DATE | LithiumRegistrationDate | Lithium Registration Date |
YOUTUBE_NUM_HANDLES | youtube_num_handles | # of YouTube Handles |
YOUTUBE_HANDLES | youtube_handles | YouTube Handle(s) |
YOUTUBE_UIDS | youtube_uids | YouTube UID(s) |
LINKEDIN_NUM_HANDLES | linkedin_num_handles | # of LinkedIn Handles |
LINKEDIN_HANDLES | linkedin_handles | LinkedIn Handle(s) |
LINKEDIN_UIDS | linkedin_uids | LinkedIn UID(s) |
SMS_NUM_HANDLES | sms_num_handles | # of SMS Handles |
SMS_HANDLES | sms_handles | SMS Handle(s) |
WECHAT_NUM_HANDLES | wechat_num_handles | # of WeChat Handles |
WECHAT_HANDLES | wechat_handles | WeChat Name(s) |
WECHAT_UIDS | wechat_uids | WeChat UID(s) |
NUM_POSITIVE_POSTS | NumPositivePosts | # of Positive Posts |
NUM_NEUTRAL_POSTS | NumNeutralPosts | # of Neutral Posts |
NUM_NEGATIVE_POSTS | NumNegativePosts | # of Negative Posts |
KHOROS_MESSENGER_NUM_HANDLES | KhorosMessengerNumHandles | # of Khoros Messenger Handles |
KHOROS_MESSENGER_DISPLAY_NAMES | KhorosMessengerDisplayNames | Khoros Messenger Display Name(s) |
KHOROS_MESSENGER_UID | KhorosMessengerUIDs | Khoros Messenger UID(s) |
NUM_KHOROS_MESSENGER_CONVERSATIONS | NumKhorosMessengerConversations | # of Khoros Messenger Conversations |
GOOGLE_MESSENGER_NUM_HANDLES | GoogleMessengerNumHandles | # of Google Business Messenger Handles |
GOOGLE_MESSENGER_DISPLAY_NAMES | GoogleMessengerDisplayNames | Google Business Messenger Display Name(s) |
GOOGLE_MESSENGER_UID | GoogleMessengerUIDs | Google Business Messenger UID(s) |
NUM_GOOGLE_MESSENGER_CONVERSATIONS | NumGoogleMessengerConversations | # of Google Business Messenger Conversations |
APPLE_BIZ_CHAT_NUM_HANDLES | AppleBizChatNumHandles | # of Apple Business Chat Handles |
APPLE_BIZ_CHAT_DISPLAY_NAMES | AppleBizChatDisplayNames | Apple Business Chat Display Name(s) |
APPLE_BIZ_CHAT_UID | AppleBizChatUIDs | Apple Business Chat UID(s) |
NUM_APPLE_BIZ_CHAT_CONVERSATIONS | NumAppleBizChatConversations | # of Apple Business Chat Conversations |
This export also includes a dynamic number of columns to provide information for the following items that can be configured within SMM Response. These columns can not be excluded.
- Custom CRM Providers and Attributes
- Custom Listening Providers
- Author Profile Attributes
raw_brand_posts (Raw Brand Posts Export)
reportMetric | jsonPropertyName | Column Name |
POST_ID | postId | Post ID |
POST_GROUP_ID | postGroupId | Post Group ID |
CAMPAIGN_SLASH_THEME | campaignSlashTheme | Campaign/Theme |
SOCIAL_NETWORK | socialNetwork | Social Network |
SOCIAL_CHANNEL | socialChannel | Social Channel |
POST_DATE | postDate | Post Date |
POST_SCHEDULE_TYPE | postScheduleType | Post Schedule Type |
PAID_POST | paidPost | Paid Post |
POST_TARGET_AUDIENCE | postTargetAudience | Post Target Audience |
POST_DISCOVERY_TYPE | postDiscoveryType | Post Discovery Type |
POST_PERMALINK | postPermalink | Post Permalink |
POST_TITLE | postTitle | Post Title |
POST_TEXT | postText | Post Text |
IMPRESSIONS | impressions | Impressions |
TOTAL_ENGAGEMENTS | totalEngagements | Total Engagements |
TOTAL_LIKES | totalLikes | Total Likes |
TOTAL_SHARES | totalShares | Total Shares |
TOTAL_CLICKS | totalClicks | Total Clicks |
TOTAL_COMMENTS | totalComments | Total Comments |
combined (Raw Combined Export)
See Combined Raw Export column definitions.
reportMetric | jsonPropertyName | Column Name |
TYPE | type | Type |
CONVERSATION_ID | conversationId | Conversation ID |
UNIQUE_ID | uniqueId | Unique ID |
CONVERSATION_WORK_QUEUE | conversationWorkQueue | Conversation Work Queue |
CONVERSATION_PRIORITY | conversationPriority | Conversation Priority |
STATUS | status | Status |
PUBLISHED_DATE | publishedDate | Published Date |
CREATED_DATE | createdDate | Created Date |
CLOSED_DATE | closedDate | Closed Date |
ASSIGNEE_AUTHOR | assigneeAuthor | Assignee:Authoring User |
ASSIGNEE_AUTHOR_DISPLAY_ID | assigneeAuthorDisplayId | Assignee:Authoring User ID |
ASSIGNEE_AUTHOR_EMAIL | assigneeAuthorEmail | Assignee:Authoring User Email |
ASSIGNEE_TEAM | assigneeTeam | Assignee:Authoring User Team |
AUTHOR_UUID | authorUUID | Author UUID |
SOURCE | source | Source |
AUTHOR_TAGS | authorTags | Author Tags |
AUTHOR_AUTO_TAG_TAGS | authorAutoTags | Author Auto Tags |
AUTHOR_MANUAL_TAG_TAGS | authorManualTags | Author Manual Tags |
CONVERSATION_TAGS_OR_POST_TAGS | conversationPostTags | Conversation/Post Tags |
CONVERSATION_TAGS_OR_POST_TAGS_AUTO_ASSIGNED | conversationPostAutoTags | Conversation/Post Auto Tags |
CONVERSATION_TAGS_OR_POST_TAGS_MANUALLY_ASSIGNED | conversationPostManualTags | Conversation/Post Manual Tags |
SENTIMENT | sentiment | Sentiment |
LANGUAGES | languages | Languages |
CONTENT | content | Content |
TOTAL_POSTS_ORDER_IN_CONVO | totalPostsOrderInConvo | Total Posts:Order in Conversation |
TOTAL_POSTS_POST_ORDER | totalPostsPostOrder | Total Incoming Posts:Post Order |
TOTAL_RESPONSES_RESPONSE_ORDER | totalResponsesResponseOrder | Total Responses:Response Order |
PRIVATE_POST | privatePost | Post |
CONVERSATION_RESPONSE_HANDLE_TIME | conversationResponseHandleTime | Conversation:Response Handle Time (min) |
AVERAGE_TAR_MINUTES | averageTarMinutes | Average TAR (min) |
RECEIVED_DURING_BUSINESS_HOURS | receivedDuringBusinessHours | Received During Business Hours |
LSW_CONVERSATION_LINK | lswConversationLink | This is the URL to the external source where the content was posted (that is, it's the permalink to the post, comment, etc.) This is not a valid attribute for private messages. |
SURVEY_TYPE | surveyType | Survey Type |
SURVEY_RESPONSE | surveyResponse | Survey Response |
SURVEY_COMMENTS | surveyComments | Survey Comments |
SURVEY_SENT_TIME | surveySentTime | Survey Sent Time |
SURVEY_COMPLETED_TIME | surveyCompletedTime | Survey Completed Time |
SURVEY_PRIMARY_RESPONDER_ON_CASE | surveyPrimaryResponderOnCase | Survey Primary Responder |
DATE_CLAIMED | dateClaimed | Date Claimed or Assigned |
CLOSE_NOTES | closeNotes | Close Notes |
EXTERNAL_ID | externalId | External ID |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_COMBINED_RESPONDER_RHT | responderResponseHandleTime | Conversation:Response HT - Responding Agent(s) (min) |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_COMBINED_ASSISTANT_RHT | assistantResponseHandleTime | Conversation:Response HT - Assisting Agent(s) (min) |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_COMBINED_APPROVER_RHT | approverResponseHandleTime | Conversation:Response HT - Approving Agent(s) (min) |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_COMBINED_EXPERT_RHT | expertResponseHandleTime | Conversation:Response HT - Expert(s) (min) |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_COMBINED_TOTAL_WCHT | totalWrapOrCloseHandleTime | Total Conversation Close or Wrap HT (min) |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_COMBINED_CLOSER_WCHT | closerWrapOrCloseHandleTime | Conversation Wrap or Close HT - Closing Agent (min) |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_COMBINED_OTHER_WCHT | otherWrapOrCloseHandleTime | Conversation Wrap or Close HT - Other Handlers (min) |
WORK_QUEUE_AT_TIME_OF_EVENT | workQueueAtTimeOfEvent | Work Queue at Time of Event |
TOTAL_IN_PROGRESS_TIME | totalInProgressTime | Total In Progress Time (min) |
The columns relating to Twitter Feedback Surveys will only be included when that feature is enabled. This feature can be enabled or disabled by contacting support. Affected Columns:
conversation (Raw Conversations)
See Raw Conversation Export column definitions.
reportMetric | jsonPropertyName | Column Name | Nullable |
CONVERSATION_ID | conversationId | Conversation ID | FALSE |
CONVERSATION_WORK_QUEUE | conversationWorkQueue | Conversation Work Queue | FALSE |
CONVERSATION_PRIORITY | conversationPriority | Conversation Priority | TRUE |
STATUS | status | Status | FALSE |
CREATED_DATE | createdDate | Created Date | FALSE |
CLOSED_DATE | closedDate | Closed Date | TRUE |
ASSIGNED_AGENT | assignedAgent | Assignee | TRUE |
ASSIGNED_AGENT_DISPLAY_ID | assignedAgentDisplayId | Assignee ID | TRUE |
ASSIGNED_AGENT_EMAIL | assignedAgentEmail | Assignee Email | TRUE |
CONVERSATION_SOURCE | conversationSource | Conversation Source | FALSE |
SOURCE_TAGS | sourceTags | Source Tags | TRUE |
LANGUAGE_TAGS | languageTags | Language Tags | TRUE |
LOCATION_TAGS | locationTags | Location Tags | TRUE |
SYSTEM_TAGS | systemTags | System Tags | TRUE |
ALL_CUSTOM_TAGS | allCustomTags | All Custom Tags | TRUE |
AUTHORS | authors | Authors | FALSE |
AUTHOR_HANDLES | authorHandles | Author Handles | TRUE |
AUTHOR_UUID | authorUUID | Author UUID | TRUE |
ALL_AUTHOR_TAGS | allAuthorTags | All Author Tags | TRUE |
AUTHOR_AUTO_TAG_TAGS | authorAutoTags | Author Auto Tags | TRUE |
AUTHOR_MANUAL_TAG_TAGS | authorManualTags | Author Manual Tags | TRUE |
SENTIMENT_CONVERSION | sentimentConversion | Sentiment Conversion | TRUE |
NUM_POSITIVE_POSTS | numPositivePosts | # of Positive Posts | TRUE |
NUM_NEUTRAL_POSTS | numNeutralPosts | # of Neutral Posts | TRUE |
NUM_NEGATIVE_POSTS | numNegativePosts | # of Negative Posts | TRUE |
TOTAL_POSTS | totalPosts | Total Incoming Posts | TRUE |
TOTAL_RESPONSES | totalResponses | Total Responses | TRUE |
NUM_PRIVATE_POSTS | numPrivatePosts | Total Private Incoming Posts | TRUE |
NUM_PRIVATE_RESPONSES | numPrivateResponses | Total Private Responses | TRUE |
RESPONSES_HANDLES_USED | responseHandlesUsed | Response Handles Used | TRUE |
AUTHORS_RESPONDED | authorResponded | Author Responded | FALSE |
LSW_CONVERSATION_LINK | lswConversationLink | This is the URL to the external source where the content was posted (that is, it's the permalink to the post, comment, etc.) This is not a valid attribute for private messages. | FALSE |
HANDLE_TIME_AVERAGE_CONVERSATION_RESPONSE | handleTimeAverageConversationResponse | Average Response Handle Time (min) | TRUE |
HANDLE_TIME_AVERAGE_CONVERSATION_APPROVAL | handleTimeAverageConversationApproval | Average Response Approval Handle Time (min) | TRUE |
HANDLE_TIME_CONVERSATION_ASSIGNED_AGENT | handleTimeConversationAssignedAgent | Assigned Agent Conversation Handle Time (min) | TRUE |
HANDLE_TIME_CONVERSATION_WRAP_UP | handleTimeConversationWrapUp | Conversation Handle Time - Wrap Up Time (min) | TRUE |
HANDLE_TIME_CONVERSATION_TOTAL | handleTimeConversationTotal | Total Conversation Handle Time (min) | TRUE |
AUTO_TAG_NUM_TAGS | autoTagNumTags | # of Auto Tags | TRUE |
AUTO_TAG_TAGS | autoTagTags | Auto Tags | TRUE |
MANUAL_TAG_NUM_TAGS | manualTagNumTags | # of Manual Tags | TRUE |
MANUAL_TAG_TAGS | manualTagTags | Manual Tags | TRUE |
SURVEY_TYPE | surveyType | Survey Type | TRUE |
SURVEY_RESPONSE | surveyResponse | Survey Response | TRUE |
SURVEY_COMMENTS | surveyComments | Survey Comments | TRUE |
SURVEY_SENT_TIME | surveySentTime | Survey Sent Time | TRUE |
SURVEY_COMPLETED_TIME | surveyCompletedTime | Survey Completed Time | TRUE |
SURVEY_PRIMARY_RESPONDER_ON_CASE | surveyPrimaryResponderOnCase | Survey Primary Responder | TRUE |
CLOSE_NOTES | closeNotes | Close Notes | TRUE |
AA_V2_RESPONSE_HT | responseHT | Total Response HT (min) | TRUE |
AA_V2_RESPONDER_RHT | responderRHT | Response HT - Responding Agent(s) (min) | TRUE |
AA_V2_ASSISTANT_RHT | assistantRHT | Response HT - Assisting Agent(s) (min) | TRUE |
AA_V2_APPROVER_RHT | approverRHT | Response HT - Approving Agent(s) (min) | TRUE |
AA_V2_EXPERT_RHT | expertRHT | Response HT - Expert(s) (min) | TRUE |
AA_V2_CONVERSATION_WCHT | conversationWCHT | Conversation Wrap or Close HT - Closing Agent (min) | TRUE |
AA_V2_CONVERSATION_OTHER_WCHT | conversationOtherWCHT | Conversation Wrap or Close HT - Other Handlers (min) | TRUE |
WORK_QUEUE_AT_TIME_OF_EVENT | workQueueAtTimeOfEvent | Work Queue at Time of Event | TRUE |
TOTAL_IN_PROGRESS_TIME | totalInProgressTime | Total In Progress Time (min) | TRUE |
The columns relating to Twitter Feedback Surveys will only be included when that feature is enabled. This feature can be enabled or disabled by contacting support. Affected Columns:
conversation_actions (Conversation Actions Export)
Added July 2019
See Conversation Actions Export column definitions.
reportMetric | jsonPropertyName | Column Name |
CONVERSATION_ID | conversationId | Conversation ID |
CREATED_DATE | createdDate | Created Date |
SOURCE | source | Source |
SOURCE_TAGS | sourceTags | Source Tags |
CONVERSATION_LINK | conversationLink | Conversation Link |
ACTION_PERFORMED | actionPerformed | Action Performed |
ACTION_PERFORMED_DATE | actionPerformedDate | Action Performed Date |
ACTING_AGENT | actingAgent | Acting Agent |
ACTING_AGENT_EMAIL | actingAgentEmail | Acting Agent Email |
ACTING_AGENT_ID | actingAgentId | Acting Agent ID |
ACTING_AGENT_TEAM | actingAgentTeam | Acting Agent Team |
STATUS_PRE_ACTION | statusPreAction | Status Before Action |
STATUS_POST_ACTION | statusPostAction | Status After Action |
WORKQUEUE_PRE_ACTION | workqueuePreAction | Work Queue Before Action |
WORKQUEUE_POST_ACTION | workqueuePostAction | Work Queue After Action |
ASSIGNEE_PRE_ACTION | assigneePreAction | Assignee Before Action |
ASSIGNEE_PRE_ACTION_EMAIL | assigneePreActionEmail | Assignee Before Action Email |
ASSIGNEE_PRE_ACTION_ID | assigneePreActionId | Assignee Before Action ID |
ASSIGNEE_PRE_ACTION_TEAM | assigneePreActionTeam | Assignee Before Action Team |
ASSIGNEE_POST_ACTION | assigneePostAction | Assignee After Action |
ASSIGNEE_POST_ACTION_EMAIL | assigneePostActionEmail | Assignee After Action Email |
ASSIGNEE_POST_ACTION_ID | assigneePostActionId | Assignee After Action ID |
ASSIGNEE_POST_ACTION_TEAM | assigneePostActionTeam | Assignee After Action Team |
STATUS_CURRENT | statusCurrent | Current Status |
WORKQUEUE_CURRENT | workqueueCurrent | Current Work Queue |
ASSIGNEE_CURRENT | assigneeCurrent | Current Assignee |
ASSIGNEE_CURRENT_EMAIL | assigneeCurrentEmail | Current Assignee Email |
ASSIGNEE_CURRENT_ID | assigneeCurrentId | Current Assignee ID |
ASSIGNEE_CURRENT_TEAM | assigneeCurrentTeam | Current Assignee Team |
conversation_history_action (Conversation History Action Export)
See Conversation History Action Export definitions.
reportMetric | jsonPropertyName | Column Name |
CONVERSATION_ID | conversationId | Conversation ID |
HISTORY_ACTION | historyAction | History Action |
COMMENT | comment | Comment |
AGENT_STATE | actingAgentState | Acting Agent State |
SSO_ID | actingAgentSSOId | Acting Agent SSO ID |
AGENT_NAME | actingAgent | Acting Agent |
AGENT_EMAIL | actingAgentEmail | Acting Agent Email |
CURRENT_DISPOSITION | currentDisposition | Current Disposition |
CURRENT_WORK_GROUP | workqueueCurrent | Current Work Queue |
CURRENT_PRIORITY | currentPriority | Current Priority |
NOTE | note | Note |
TO_EMAIL | toEmail | To Email |
CC_EMAIL | ccEmail | CC Email |
TAGS | tags | Tags |
PROVIDER_TYPE | source | Source |
AUTHOR | author | Author |
RESPONSE | response | Response |
POST | post | Post |
POST_DATE | postDate | Post Date |
COMMUNITY_RESPONSE | communityResponse | Community Response |
SNOOZE_DURATION | snoozeDuration | Snooze Duration |
SNOOZE_DURATION_UNIT | snoozeDurationUnit | Snooze Duration Unit |
MERGED_CONVERSATION_ID | mergedConversationId | Merged Conversation ID |
CONTENT_FILTER | contentFilter | Content Filter |
LOG_TYPE | actionPerformed | Action Performed |
ACTION_TIME | actionPerformedDate | Action Performed Date |
raw_expert_help (Help Requests Export)
See Help Requests Export column definitions.
reportMetric | jsonPropertyName | Column Name |
CONVERSATION_ID | conversationId | Conversation ID |
WORKQUEUE | workQueue | Work Queue |
MATCHING_SMART_VIEWS | matchingSmartViews | Matching Smart Views |
HELP_REQUESTER_NAME | helpRequesterName | Help Requester Name |
HELP_REQUESTER_DISPLAY_ID | helpRequesterDisplayId | Help Requester Id |
HELP_REQUESTER_EMAIL | helpRequesterEmail | Help Requester Email |
HELP_REQUESTER_TEAM | helpRequesterTeam | Help Requester Team |
TIME_OF_HELP_REQUEST | timeofHelpRequest | Time of Help Request |
HELP_REQUESTER_COMMENT | helpRequesterComment | Help Requester Comment |
HELP_REQUEST_END_REASON | helpRequestEndReason | Help Request End Reason |
AVAILABLE_EXPERTS | availableExperts | Available Experts |
RESPONDING_EXPERT_NAME | respondingExpertName | Responding Expert Name |
RESPONDING_EXPERT_DISPLAY_ID | respondingExpertDisplayId | Responding Expert ID |
RESPONDING_EXPERT_EMAIL | respondingExpertEmail | Responding Expert Email |
RESPONDING_EXPERT_TEAM | respondingExpertTeam | Responding Expert Team |
EXPERT_SUBSCRIBED_MATCHING_SMART_VIEWS | expertSubscribedMatchingSmartViews | Expert Subscribed Matching Smart Views |
TIME_OF_EXPERT_RESPONSE | timeofExpertResponse | Time of Expert Response |
RESPONDING_EXPERT_COMMENT | respondingExpertComment | Responding Expert Comment |
TIME_AWAITING_HELP | timeAwaitingHelp(Min) | Time Awaiting Help (Min) |
TOTAL_RESPONSE_HANDLE_TIME_MIN | totalResponseHandleTimeMin | Total Response Handle Time (Min) |
RESPONSE_TAR_MIN | responseTARMin | Response TAR (Min) |
RESPONSE_CONTENT | responseContent | Response Content |
LINK_TO_RESPONSE | linktoResponse | Link to Response |
LINK_TO_CONVERSATION | linktoConversation | Link to Conversation |
incoming_post (Raw Incoming Post Export)
See Raw Incoming Post Export column definitions.
reportMetric | jsonPropertyName | Column Name | NULLABLE |
CONVERSATION_ID | conversationId | Conversation ID | |
CONVERSATION_WORK_QUEUE | conversationWorkQueue | Conversation Work Queue | TRUE |
CONVERSATION_PRIORITY | conversationPriority | Conversation Priority | TRUE |
POST_PROVIDER | postProvider | Post Provider | TRUE |
EXTERNAL_POST_ID | externalPostId | External Post ID | TRUE |
DATE_POST_PUBLISHED | datePostPublished | Date Post Published | TRUE |
DATE_POST_RECEIVED | datePostReceived | Date Post Received | FALSE |
AUTHOR_HANDLE | authorHandle | Author Handle | TRUE |
EXTERNAL_AUTHOR_HANDLE_ID | externalAuthorHandleId | External Author Handle ID | TRUE |
AUTHOR_UUID | authorUUID | Author UUID | FALSE |
ALL_AUTHOR_TAGS | allAuthorTags | All Author Tags | TRUE |
AUTHOR_AUTO_TAG_TAGS | authorAutoTags | Author Auto Tags | TRUE |
AUTHOR_MANUAL_TAG_TAGS | authorManualTags | Author Manual Tags | TRUE |
POST_TYPE | postType | Post Type | FALSE |
POST_CONTENT | postContent | Post Content | TRUE |
POST_ORDER | postOrder | Post Order | TRUE |
POST_LANGUAGE | postLanguage | Post Language | TRUE |
POST_LOCATION | postLocation | Post Location | TRUE |
POST_SENTIMENT | postSentiment | Post Sentiment | TRUE |
ALL_POST_TAGS | allPostTags | All Post Tags | TRUE |
LSW_CONVERSATION_LINK | lswConversationLink | LSW Conversation Link | FALSE |
RECEIVED_DURING_BUSINESS_HOURS | receivedDuringBusinessHours | Received During Business Hours | TRUE |
POST_SOURCE_TAG | postSourceTag | Post Source Tag | TRUE |
POST_PERMALINK | postPermalink | Post Permalink | TRUE |
AUTO_TAG_NUM_TAGS | autoTagNumTags | # of Auto Tags | FALSE |
AUTO_TAG_TAGS | autoTagTags | Auto Tags | TRUE |
MANUAL_TAG_NUM_TAGS | manualTagNumTags | # of Manual Tags | FALSE |
MANUAL_TAG_TAGS | manualTagTags | Manual Tags | TRUE |
UNIQUE_ID | uniqueId | Unique ID | FALSE |
WORK_QUEUE_AT_TIME_OF_EVENT | workQueueAtTimeOfEvent | Work Queue at Time of Event | TRUE |
response_approval (Raw Response Approval)
See Response Approvals Export column definitions.
reportMetric | jsonPropertyName | Column Name |
CONVERSATION_ID | conversationId | Conversation ID |
RESPONSE_DRAFT_ID | responseDraftId | Response Draft ID |
SUBMITTER_NAME | submitterName | Response Submitter Name |
SUBMITTER_DISPLAY_ID | submitterDisplayId | Response Submitter ID |
SUBMITTER_EMAIL | submitterEmail | Response Submitter Email |
SUBMITTER_TEAM | submitterTeam | Response Submitter Team |
SUBMISSION_DATE | submissionDate | Date Response Submission |
SUBMISSION_CONTENT | submissionContent | Response Submitted Content |
SUBMITTER_RESPONSE_HT | submitterResponseHandleTime | Submitter Response HT (Min) |
APPROVER_NAME | approverName | Approver Name |
APPROVER_DISPLAY_ID | approverDisplayId | Approver ID |
APPROVER_EMAIL | approverEmail | Approver Email |
APPROVER_TEAM | approverTeam | Approver Team |
APPROVAL_DECISION | approvalDecision | Approval Decision |
APPROVAL_DISPOSITION | approvalDisposition | Approval Disposition |
APPROVAL_NOTES | approvalNotes | Approval Notes |
APPROVAL_EDITED_RESPONSE | approvalEditedResponse | Approved with Edits - Edited Response |
APPROVAL_DATE | approvalDate | Date Approval |
APPROVAL_HT | approvalHandleTime | Approval HT (Min) |
TOTAL_APPROVAL_TIME | totalApprovalTime | Total Approval Time (Min) |
response (Raw Response Export)
See Raw Response Export column definitions.
reportMetric | jsonPropertyName | Column Name |
CONVERSATION_ID | conversationId | Conversation ID |
CONVERSATION_WORK_QUEUE | conversationWorkQueue | Conversation Work Queue |
WORK_QUEUE_AT_TIME_OF_EVENT | workQueueAtTimeOfEvent | Work Queue at Time of Event |
CONVERSATION_PRIORITY | conversationPriority | Conversation Priority |
RESPONSE_PROVIDER | responseProvider | Response Provider |
EXTERNAL_RESPONSE_ID | externalResponseId | External Response ID |
RESPONSE_PUBLISHED_DATE | responsePublishedDate | Response Published Date |
RESPONSE_TAR | responseTar | Response TAR (min) |
RESPONSE_HANDLE | responseHandle | Response Handle |
RESPONDING_AGENT_NAME | respondingAgentName | Responding Agent Name |
RESPONDING_AGENT_DISPLAY_ID | respondingAgentDisplayId | Responding Agent ID |
RESPONDING_AGENT_EMAIL | respondingAgentEmail | Responding Agent Email |
RESPONSE_TYPE | responseType | Response Type |
RESPONSE_CONTENT | responseContent | Response Content |
RESPONSE_ORDER | responseOrder | Response Order |
RESPONSE_LANGUAGE | responseLanguage | Response Language |
RESPONSE_LOCATION | responseLocation | Response Location |
RESPONSE_SENTIMENT | responseSentiment | Response Sentiment |
RESPONSE_TAGS | responseTags | Response Tags |
LSW_CONVERSATION_LINK | lswConversationLink | This is the URL to the external source where the content was posted (that is, it's the permalink to the post, comment, etc.) This is not a valid attribute for private messages. |
LSW_RESPONDED_TO_EXTERNAL_POST_ID | lswRespondedToExternalPostId | Post Responded to External ID |
LSW_RESPONDED_TO_POST_CONTENT | lswRespondedToPostContent | Post Responded to Content |
LSW_RESPONDED_TO_POST_PUBLISHED_TIME | lswRespondedToPostPublishedTime | Post Responded to Published Time |
LSW_RESPONDED_TO_POST_RECEIVED_TIME | lswRespondedToPostReceivedTime | Post Responded to Received Time |
LSW_RESPONDED_POST_IN_BUSINESS_HOURS | lswRespondedPostInBusinessHours | Post Responded to in Business Hours |
LSW_RESPONDED_TO_POST_AUTHOR_UUID | lswRespondedToPostAuthorUUID | Post Responded to Author UUID |
SENTIMENT_CONVERSION | sentimentConversion | Sentiment Conversion |
HANDLE_TIME_RESPONDING_AGENT | handleTimeRespondingAgent | Handle Time - Responding Agent (min) |
HANDLE_TIME_APPROVING_AGENT | handleTimeApprovingAgent | Handle Time - Approving Agent(s) (min) |
HANDLE_TIME_OTHER_AGENT | handleTimeOtherAgent | Handle Time - Other Handlers (min) |
HANDLE_TIME_TOTAL_RESPONSE | handleTimeTotalResponse | Total Response Handle Time (min) |
AUTO_TAG_NUM_TAGS | autoTagNumTags | # of Auto Tags |
AUTO_TAG_TAGS | autoTagTags | Auto Tags |
MANUAL_TAG_NUM_TAGS | manualTagNumTags | # of Manual Tags |
MANUAL_TAG_TAGS | manualTagTags | Manual Tags |
SOURCE_TAGS | sourceTags | Source Tags |
DATE_CLAIMED | dateClaimed | Date Claimed or Assigned |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_ASSISTANT_RHT | assistantRHT | Handle Time - Assisting Agent(s) (min) |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_EXPERT_RHT | expertRHT | Handle Time - Expert(s) (min) |
UNIQUE_ID | uniqueId | Unique ID |
BOT_RESPONSE_ORDER | botResponseOrder | Bot Response Order |
AGENT_RESPONSE_ORDER | agentResponseOrder | Agent Response Order |
team_performance (Team Performance)
See Team Performance Export column definitions.
reportMetric | jsonPropertyName | Column Name |
INTERVAL_START_DATE | IntervalStartDate | Interval Start Date |
INTERVAL_END_DATE | IntervalEndDate | Interval End Date |
NAME | Name | Name |
AGENT_DISPLAY_ID | AgentDisplayId | ID |
TEAM_NAME | TeamName | Team |
TOTAL_HANDLE_TIME | TotalHandleTime | Total HT (min) |
CONVERSATIONS_IN_ASSIGNED | ConversationsInAssigned | Conversations in Assigned |
CONVERSATIONS_IN_PENDING | ConversationsInPending | Conversations in Pending |
RESPONSES | Responses | Responses |
FIRST_RESPONSES | FirstResponses | First Responses |
SUBSEQUENT_RESPONSES | SubsequentResponses | Subsequent Responses |
RESPONSES_HANDLED | ResponsesHandled | Responses Handled |
AVERAGE_TAR | AverageTAR | Average TAR (min) |
MEDIAN_TAR | MedianTAR | Median TAR (min) |
AVERAGE_RESPONSE_HANDLE_TIME | AverageResponseHandleTime | Average Response HT (min) |
CONVERSATIONS_HANDLED | ConversationsHandled | Conversations Handled |
AVERAGE_CONVERSATION_HANDLE_TIME | AverageConversationHandleTime | Average Conversation HT (min) |
CONVERSATION_CLOSED | ConversationClosed | Closed |
CONVERSATION_CLOSED_WITH_ENGAGEMENT | ConversationClosedWithEngagement | Closed with Engagement |
CONVERSATION_CLOSED_WITHOUT_ENGAGEMENT | ConversationClosedWithoutEngagement | Closed without Engagement |
PRIMARY_RESPONDER_CSAT_SCORE | primaryResponderCsatScore | Primary Responder CSAT Score |
PRIMARY_RESPONDER_CSAT_SURVEYS | primaryResponderCsatSurveys | Primary Responder CSAT Completed Surveys |
PRIMARY_RESPONDER_NPS_SCORE | primaryResponderNpsScore | Primary Responder NPS Score |
PRIMARY_RESPONDER_NPS_SURVEYS | primaryResponderNpsSurveys | Primary Responder NPS Completed Surveys |
TOTAL_TIME_LOGGED_IN | TotalTimeLoggedIn | Total Time Logged In (min) |
CONVERSATIONS_RESPONDED_TO | ConversationsRespondedTo | Conversations Responded To |
AVERAGE_FIRST_RESPONSE_TAR | AverageFirstResponseTAR | Average First TAR (min) |
AVERAGE_SUBSEQUENT_RESPONSE_TAR | AverageSubsequentResponseTAR | Average Subsequent TAR (min) |
CLAIMS | Claims | Claims from Available |
REASSIGNS | Reassigns | Agent Re-Assigns |
AGENT_REROUTES | AgentReroutes | Agent Re-Routes |
TOTAL_SNOOZE_ACTIONS | TotalSnoozeActions | Agent Snoozes |
AGENT_UNASSIGNS | AgentUnassigns | Agent Unassigns |
OTHER_UNASSIGNS | OtherUnassigns | Other Unassigns |
TOTAL_ASSIGNED | TotalAssigned | Total Conversations Assigned |
CONVERSATIONS_SNOOZED | ConversationsSnoozed | Total Conversations Snoozed |
RE_OPENED | ReOpened | Total Conversations Re-Opened |
CONVERSATIONS_ACTED_ON | ConversationsActedOn | Total Conversations Acted On |
TOTAL_FIRST_CLAIMS | TotalFirstClaims | Total First Assigned Conversations |
AVERAGE_TIME_IN_AVAILABLE_QUEUE | AverageTimeInAvailableQueue | Average Time to First Assigned (min) |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_TOTAL_IN_PROGRESS | AgentActivities_total_in_progress_time | Total In Progress Time (min) |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_TOTAL_RESPONDER_RHT | AgentActivities_total_responderRHT | Response HT (min) - Responses Sent |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_TOTAL_ASSISTANT_RHT | AgentActivities_total_assistantRHT | Response HT (min) - Responses Assisted |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_TOTAL_APPROVER_RHT | AgentActivities_total_approverRHT | Response HT (min) - Responses Approved |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_TOTAL_EXPERT_RHT | AgentActivities_total_expertRHT | Response HT (min) - Expert Help |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_TOTAL_RESPONSE_HT | AgentActivities_total_responseHT | Total Response HT (min) |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_AVG_RESPONDER_RHT | AgentActivities_avg_responderRHT | Average Response HT (min) - Responses Sent |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_TOTAL_APPROVAL_SENT | AgentActivities_total_approval_sent | Approval Requests Handled |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_TOTAL_CASE_NOTE_ADDED | AgentActivities_total_case_note_added | Expert Help Notes Added |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_TOTAL_CLOSER_CLOSE_HT | AgentActivities_total_closerCloseHT | Closed without Engagement Close HT (min) - Closing Agent |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_TOTAL_OTHER_CLOSE_HT | AgentActivities_total_otherCloseHT | Closed without Engagement Close HT (min) |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_TOTAL_CLOSE_HT | AgentActivities_total_closeHT | Total Closed without Engagement Close HT (min) |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_TOTAL_CLOSER_WRAP_HT | AgentActivities_total_closerWrapHT | Closed with Engagement Wrap HT (min) - Closing Agent |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_TOTAL_OTHER_WRAP_HT | AgentActivities_total_otherWrapHT | Closed with Engagement Wrap HT (min) - Other Handler |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_TOTAL_WRAP_HT | AgentActivities_total_wrapHT | Total Closed with Engagement Wrap HT (min) |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_ACTIVE_TIME_IN_FOCUS | AgentActivities_ActiveTime_inFocus | In-Focus Active Time (min) |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_INACTIVE_TIME_IN_FOCUS | AgentActivities_InactiveTime_inFocus | In-Focus Inactive Time (min) |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_IDLE_TIME_IN_FOCUS | AgentActivities_IdleTime_inFocus | In-Focus Idle Time (min) |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_NON_AGENT_TIME_IN_FOCUS | AgentActivities_NonAgentTime_inFocus | In-Focus Non-Agent Time (min) |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_IN_APP_TIME_IN_FOCUS | AgentActivities_InAppTime_inFocus | Total In-Focus App Time (min) |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_ACTIVE_TIME_OUT_OF_FOCUS | AgentActivities_ActiveTime_outOfFocus | Out-of-Focus Active Time (min) |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_INACTIVE_TIME_OUT_OF_FOCUS | AgentActivities_InactiveTime_outOfFocus | Out-of-Focus Inactive Time (min) |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_IDLE_TIME_OUT_OF_FOCUS | AgentActivities_IdleTime_outOfFocus | Out-of-Focus Idle Time (min) |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_NON_AGENT_TIME_OUT_OF_FOCUS | AgentActivities_NonAgentTime_outOfFocus | Out-of-Focus Non-Agent Time (min) |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_IN_APP_TIME_OUT_OF_FOCUS | AgentActivities_InAppTime_outOfFocus | Total Out-of-Focus App Time (min) |
CONVERSATIONS_PUSHED | pushesFromAvailable | Pushes From Available |
The columns relating to Twitter Feedback Surveys will only be included when that feature is enabled. This feature can be enabled or disabled by contacting support. Affected Columns:
This report also contains a dynamic number of columns, one for each Close Disposition used in the time range. These columns cannot be excluded from the report, and use the names given to these disposition in the Admin screen.
team_performance_interval (Team Performance Interval)
See Team Performance Interval Export column definitions.
reportMetric | jsonPropertyName | Column Name |
INTERVAL_START_DATE | IntervalStartDate | Interval Start Date |
INTERVAL_END_DATE | IntervalEndDate | Interval End Date |
NAME | Name | Name |
AGENT_DISPLAY_ID | AgentDisplayId | ID |
TEAM_NAME | TeamName | Team |
TOTAL_HANDLE_TIME | TotalHandleTime | Total HT (min) |
CONVERSATIONS_IN_ASSIGNED | ConversationsInAssigned | Conversations in Assigned |
CONVERSATIONS_IN_PENDING | ConversationsInPending | Conversations in Pending |
RESPONSES | Responses | Responses |
FIRST_RESPONSES | FirstResponses | First Responses |
SUBSEQUENT_RESPONSES | SubsequentResponses | Subsequent Responses |
RESPONSES_HANDLED | ResponsesHandled | Responses Handled |
AVERAGE_TAR | AverageTAR | Average TAR (min) |
MEDIAN_TAR | MedianTAR | Median TAR (min) |
AVERAGE_RESPONSE_HANDLE_TIME | AverageResponseHandleTime | Average Response HT (min) |
CONVERSATIONS_HANDLED | ConversationsHandled | Conversations Handled |
AVERAGE_CONVERSATION_HANDLE_TIME | AverageConversationHandleTime | Average Conversation HT (min) |
CONVERSATION_CLOSED | ConversationClosed | Closed |
CONVERSATION_CLOSED_WITH_ENGAGEMENT | ConversationClosedWithEngagement | Closed with Engagement |
CONVERSATION_CLOSED_WITHOUT_ENGAGEMENT | ConversationClosedWithoutEngagement | Closed without Engagement |
PRIMARY_RESPONDER_CSAT_SCORE | primaryResponderCsatScore | Primary Responder CSAT Score |
PRIMARY_RESPONDER_CSAT_SURVEYS | primaryResponderCsatSurveys | Primary Responder CSAT Completed Surveys |
PRIMARY_RESPONDER_NPS_SCORE | primaryResponderNpsScore | Primary Responder NPS Score |
PRIMARY_RESPONDER_NPS_SURVEYS | primaryResponderNpsSurveys | Primary Responder NPS Completed Surveys |
TOTAL_TIME_LOGGED_IN | TotalTimeLoggedIn | Total Time Logged In (min) |
CONVERSATIONS_RESPONDED_TO | ConversationsRespondedTo | Conversations Responded To |
AVERAGE_FIRST_RESPONSE_TAR | AverageFirstResponseTAR | Average First TAR (min) |
AVERAGE_SUBSEQUENT_RESPONSE_TAR | AverageSubsequentResponseTAR | Average Subsequent TAR (min) |
CLAIMS | Claims | Claims from Available |
REASSIGNS | Reassigns | Agent Re-Assigns |
AGENT_REROUTES | AgentReroutes | Agent Re-Routes |
TOTAL_SNOOZE_ACTIONS | TotalSnoozeActions | Agent Snoozes |
AGENT_UNASSIGNS | AgentUnassigns | Agent Unassigns |
OTHER_UNASSIGNS | OtherUnassigns | Other Unassigns |
TOTAL_ASSIGNED | TotalAssigned | Total Conversations Assigned |
CONVERSATIONS_SNOOZED | ConversationsSnoozed | Total Conversations Snoozed |
RE_OPENED | ReOpened | Total Conversations Re-Opened |
CONVERSATIONS_ACTED_ON | ConversationsActedOn | Total Conversations Acted On |
TOTAL_FIRST_CLAIMS | TotalFirstClaims | Total First Assigned Conversations |
AVERAGE_TIME_IN_AVAILABLE_QUEUE | AverageTimeInAvailableQueue | Average Time to First Assigned (min) |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_TOTAL_IN_PROGRESS | AgentActivities_total_in_progress_time | Total In Progress Time (min) |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_TOTAL_RESPONDER_RHT | AgentActivities_total_responderRHT | Response HT (min) - Responses Sent |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_TOTAL_ASSISTANT_RHT | AgentActivities_total_assistantRHT | Response HT (min) - Responses Assisted |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_TOTAL_APPROVER_RHT | AgentActivities_total_approverRHT | Response HT (min) - Responses Approved |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_TOTAL_EXPERT_RHT | AgentActivities_total_expertRHT | Response HT (min) - Expert Help |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_TOTAL_RESPONSE_HT | AgentActivities_total_responseHT | Total Response HT (min) |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_AVG_RESPONDER_RHT | AgentActivities_avg_responderRHT | Average Response HT (min) - Responses Sent |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_TOTAL_APPROVAL_SENT | AgentActivities_total_approval_sent | Approval Requests Handled |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_TOTAL_CASE_NOTE_ADDED | AgentActivities_total_case_note_added | Expert Help Notes Added |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_TOTAL_CLOSER_CLOSE_HT | AgentActivities_total_closerCloseHT | Closed without Engagement Close HT (min) - Closing Agent |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_TOTAL_OTHER_CLOSE_HT | AgentActivities_total_otherCloseHT | Closed without Engagement Close HT (min) |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_TOTAL_CLOSE_HT | AgentActivities_total_closeHT | Total Closed without Engagement Close HT (min) |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_TOTAL_CLOSER_WRAP_HT | AgentActivities_total_closerWrapHT | Closed with Engagement Wrap HT (min) - Closing Agent |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_TOTAL_OTHER_WRAP_HT | AgentActivities_total_otherWrapHT | Closed with Engagement Wrap HT (min) - Other Handler |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_TOTAL_WRAP_HT | AgentActivities_total_wrapHT | Total Closed with Engagement Wrap HT (min) |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_ACTIVE_TIME_IN_FOCUS | AgentActivities_ActiveTime_inFocus | In-Focus Active Time (min) |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_INACTIVE_TIME_IN_FOCUS | AgentActivities_InactiveTime_inFocus | In-Focus Inactive Time (min) |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_IDLE_TIME_IN_FOCUS | AgentActivities_IdleTime_inFocus | In-Focus Idle Time (min) |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_NON_AGENT_TIME_IN_FOCUS | AgentActivities_NonAgentTime_inFocus | In-Focus Non-Agent Time (min) |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_IN_APP_TIME_IN_FOCUS | AgentActivities_InAppTime_inFocus | Total In-Focus App Time (min) |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_ACTIVE_TIME_OUT_OF_FOCUS | AgentActivities_ActiveTime_outOfFocus | Out-of-Focus Active Time (min) |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_INACTIVE_TIME_OUT_OF_FOCUS | AgentActivities_InactiveTime_outOfFocus | Out-of-Focus Inactive Time (min) |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_IDLE_TIME_OUT_OF_FOCUS | AgentActivities_IdleTime_outOfFocus | Out-of-Focus Idle Time (min) |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_NON_AGENT_TIME_OUT_OF_FOCUS | AgentActivities_NonAgentTime_outOfFocus | Out-of-Focus Non-Agent Time (min) |
AGENT_ACTIVITIES_V2_IN_APP_TIME_OUT_OF_FOCUS | AgentActivities_InAppTime_outOfFocus | Total Out-of-Focus App Time (min) |
CONVERSATIONS_PUSHED | pushesFromAvailable | Pushes From Available |
user (User export)
See User export column definitions.
The following columns are returned only when the export is generated in JSON:
These columns provide time values in milliseconds (datatype String) in order to provide the values in a format that is more convenient for calculations.
reportMetric | jsonPropertyName | Column Name |
NAME | name | Name |
AGENT_DISPLAY_ID | agentDisplayId | Agent ID |
TEAM_NAME | teamName | Team |
USER_TYPES | userTypes | User Types |
LAST_LOGIN_TIME | lastLoginTime | Last Login Time |
TOTAL_CONSOLE_LOGGED_IN_TIME | totalConsoleLoggedInTime | Total Console Logged In Time |
TOTAL_CONSOLE_LOGGED_IN_TIME_MILLIS | totalConsoleLoggedInTimeInMillis | Total Console Logged In Time (millis) |
TOTAL_GREEN_STATE_TIME | totalGreenStateTime | Total Time in Available Green State (min) |
TOTAL_GREEN_STATE_TIME_MILLIS | totalGreenStateTimeInMillis | Total Time in Available Green State (millis) |
TOTAL_YELLOW_STATE_TIME | totalYellowStateTime | Total Time in Unavailable Yellow State (min) |
TOTAL_YELLOW_STATE_TIME_MILLIS | totalYellowStateTimeInMillis | Total Time in Unavailable Yellow State (millis) |
TOTAL_RED_STATE_TIME | totalRedStateTime | Total Time in Unavailable Red State (min) |
TOTAL_RED_STATE_TIME_MILLIS | totalRedStateTimeInMillis | Total Time in Unavailable Red State (millis) |
TOTAL_MOBILE_TIME | totalMobileTime | Total Mobile Logged In Time (min) |
TOTAL_MOBILE_TIME_MILLIS | totalMobileTimeInMillis | Total Mobile Logged In Time (millis) |
Updated 4 months ago