Learn about the Flow REST API used to automate messaging.

Use the Flow REST API to automate messaging (e.g., chatbots, voice-powered apps and devices).

Host: api.flow.ai
Protocols: https
Accepts: application/json
Responds With: application/json


Need some inspiration?

There are different ways to leverage the Khoros Flow platform:

  • Tracebuzz connects their social media chat and messaging platform
  • ShopCtrl automates online retailers
  • Telepeformance deflects phone calls and automates contact centers

This Flow REST API is organized around REST. It has predictable, resource-oriented URLs, and uses HTTP response codes to indicate API errors. We use built-in HTTP features, like HTTP authentication and HTTP verbs, which are understood by off-the-shelf HTTP clients.

Our REST API supports cross-origin resource sharing, allowing you to interact securely with our API from a client-side web application (though you should never expose your secret API key in any public client-side code). JSON is returned by all API responses, including errors.

Khoros Care Automation Framework enables you to seamlessly connect with flow chatbots. For more information, see the About the Automation Framework guide for details.