Learn about the event types sent by the Flow REST API.

This is a list of all the types of events we currently send. We may add more at any time, so in developing and maintaining your code, you should not assume that only these types exist.

Event TypeDescription
messageCalled whenever Flow is sending reply message for a specific threadId
historyCalled whenever Flow is sending messaging history for a specific threadId
threadsCalled whenever Flow is sending a list of threads in the user's project
trigger.eventsCalled whenever Flow is sending a list of events that can be triggered manually
businessHoursCalled whenever Flow is sending business hours information
pausedCalled when the AI engine has paused the operation for a specific threadId
resumedCalled when the AI engine has resumed operation for a specific threadId
isPausedCalled whenever Flow is sending bot status for a specific threadId
inboundCalled whenever a user sends a message to Flow from the non-rest channel
outboundCalled whenever AI engine sends a message to user from non-rest channel
takeoverCalled when the takeover action is executed