
July 2019

Khoros Care Release Notes, July 2019

Automation Framework and Bot API v3

After an extended Early Access period, we've released the Automation Framework and Bot API v3.

Supporting Guides
About the Automation Framework
Getting started with the Automation Framework
What can my bot do?
Register a bot
Working with webhooks
Hello World bot example
Legacy architectures and Facebook Handover Protocol
Bot operating modes
Bot handsoffs and Bot Handoff tags
Monitor requests to the Bot API v3
Monitor bot health
Automation Framework best practices

Bot API v3 Endpoint Reference
Bot API v3
GET /bots/v3/control/network/{networkKey}/externalId/{externalId}/author/{authorId}
GET /bots/v3/health/appId/{appId}
GET /bots/v3/registrations/network/{networkKey}/externalId/{externalId}
GET /bots/v3/registrations/network/{networkKey}/externalId/{externalId}/appId/{appId}
GET /bots/v3/request/{requestId}
GET /bots/v3/request/appId/{appId}

POST /bots/v3/registrations
POST /bots/v3/respond

PUT /bots/v3/author
PUT /bots/v3/control
PUT /bots/v3/note
PUT /bots/v3/priority
PUT /bots/v3/registrations
PUT /bots/v3/registrations/network/{networkKey}/externalId/{externalId}/appId/{appId}/mode/{mode}
PUT /bots/v3/resolve
PUT /bots/v3/tag
PUT /bots/v3/tokens/appId/{appId}
PUT /bots/v3/workqueue

DELETE /bots/v3/registrations/network/{networkKey}/externalId/{externalId}/appId/{appId}
DELETE /bots/v3/tokens/appId/{appId}

New Khoros Care Integration Overview guide

See our Khoros Care Integration Overview for an updated look at Care integration options that includes the Automation Framework and Messaging solutions.