
Returns info for a specific customer


Responses and Response Schema

200 (Customer Response)

Customer created successfully.

Field NameTypeDescription

Format: uri
The URI the agent can click on to see the customer.
customNonSearchableCustomerFieldOnestringThese will only be present if specified via the createCustomer endpoint.
customNonSearchableCustomerFieldTwostringThese will only be present if specified via the createCustomer endpoint.
customSearchableCustomerFieldOnestringThese will only be present if specified via the createCustomer endpoint.
customSearchableCustomerFieldTwostringThese will only be present if specified via the createCustomer endpoint.
400 (Invalid Field in Payload)

Invalid field in payload. Generic errors.

Field NameTypeDescription
error*stringThe name of the error or code.
message*stringMessage passable to the user.
401 (API Key is Invalid)

API key is invalid or has become de-authenticated.

404 (Customer Not Found)

No customer exists with the provided ID.

500 (Unexpected Error)

Unexpected error.

Field NameTypeDescription
error*stringName of the error or code.
message*stringMessage passable to the user.