Modern Chat Widgets

Build Modern Chat widgets for your websites


The Modern Chat Widget is the chat user interface that the end-user interacts with on the brand site. It enables the end-user to initiate a dialogue with the brand and to send and receive messages directly from the brand site without having to navigate to a separate page.

On the development side, the Modern Chat Widget is a piece of JavaScript that allows end-users to interact with your brand through your website using Brand Messenger Legacy just as easily as they can through Brand Messenger Legacy's iOS and Android SDK.

Widgets are created using the Khoros Care Admin and serve as a bundle of conditions, rules, etc. which can be configured with a theme. Once deployed, it appears when you need it to with the style and behavior you configure it to have.

Create a Modern Chat Widget

Creating a Modern Chat widget is pretty simple and requires no coding to initially create and configure. Deployment, however, does require the injection of a JavaScript to the page(s) in which you wish to make Modern Chat available.

In the following sections, we will go through the process of creating, configuring, and deploying a Modern Chat widget on a website.