Customization (Brand Messenger in iOS)

Customize your user experience in the Brand Messenger iOS SDK

Our SDK includes a pre-built UI that you can use to integrate with your application. This article describes all the things in the pre-build UI that you can customize.

Use the KBMConfiguration object to customize the appearance of our UI. You can overwrite the defaultConfiguration in BrandMessengerManager and add custom configs.

let config = KBMConfiguration()
/// Change properties here... 
/// Read below to know about different properties used in `KBMConfiguration`

Navigation bar


You can change the appearance/colors of the navigation bar. To do so, you must create UINavigationBar.appearance.

let navigationBarProxy = UINavigationBar.appearance(whenContainedInInstancesOf: [KBMBaseNavigationViewController.self])
navigationBarProxy.isTranslucent = false

Background Color

To change the navigation bar's background color, edit the barTintColor value, shown below.


This value is used in all ViewControllers where the navigation bar is visible.

          = UIColor(red: 0.93, green: 0.94, blue: 0.95, alpha: 1.0)

Tint color

To change the navigation bar's tint color, edit the tintColor value, shown below.
DEFAULT: UIColor.navigationTextOceanBlue


This value is used in all the ViewControllers where the navigation bar is visible.


Title Color

To change the navigation bar's title color, edit the titleTextAttributes value, shown below.



This value is used in all the ViewControllers where the navigation bar is visible.

navigationBarProxy.titleTextAttributes = [NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: UIColor.white]

Bottom Line

Toggle the navigation bar on and off using the hideNavigationBarBottomLine config.
If true the navigation bar is hidden.
If false, the bottom line of the navigation bar is visible.



The setting controls all the ViewControllers where the navigation bar is visible.

config.hideNavigationBarBottomLine = true

Back button configuration

The back button icon can be customized

var config = KBMConfiguration()
/// Set conversationViewControllerBackIcon to desired UIImage
config.conversationViewControllerBackIcon = UIImage(named: "close-icon-name-here", in: .main, compatibleWith: nil)

Change Right Navigation Item

To customize the right-most navigation bar item in the Chat Detail screen, edit the rightNavBarSystemIconForConversationView value, shown below.

You can choose to show or hide an image or use the system icon.

DEFAULT: UIBarButtonItem.SystemItem.refresh

/// If you want to use the system icon
config.rightNavBarSystemIconForConversationView = UIBarButtonItem.SystemItem.add
/// If you want to hide the bar item
config.hideRightNavBarButtonForConversationView = true
/// If you want to hide refresh button
config.isRefreshButtonEnabled = false

Custom Navigation Buttons

This section describes how to add the custom navigation button in the Conversation View controller navigation bar and how to handle the Click or Tap of button notification callbacks in your app.

You can add a custom button in two ways: text or UIImage. The code below shows how to add KBMNavigationItem in both ways and how to handle the notification observer tap.

var navigationItemsForConversationViewController = [KBMNavigationItem]()

// Example for button with text
let buttonOne = KBMNavigationItem(identifier: 1234, text: "FAQ")

// Example for button with icon
let buttonTwo = KBMNavigationItem(identifier:23456, icon: UIImage(named: "icon_download", in: Bundle(for: KBMConversationViewController.self),compatibleWith: nil)!)

// Adding an item in the list

// Set the KBMNavigationItem array of objects to config
config.navigationItemsForConversationView = navigationItemsForConversationViewController

// Add an Observer to get the event callback
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: NSNotification.Name(rawValue: KBMNavigationItem.NSNotificationForConversationViewNavigationTap), object: nil, queue: nil, using: { notification in
     guard let notificationUserInfo = notification.userInfo else { return }
     let identifier = notificationUserInfo ["identifier"] as! Int
     print( "Navigation button click for identifier in Conversation view controller is :", identifier)


See section on Navigation Bar Title for more info on customizing the text for the navigation bar.

Chat Bubble

You can change the font, text color, and background color of messages. Commonly edited options are listed below. Add these style-related changes to your AppDelegate's didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method or anywhere else before the chat is launched.


The background color of the sent and received chat bubble.

KBMMessageStyle.sentBubble.color = UIColor.lightGray // For sent messages
KBMMessageStyle.receivedBubble.color = UIColor.lightGray // For received messages


The padding to left/right of the chat bubbles to the screen-edge can be adjusted.

KBMMessageStyle.sentBubble.cellMargin = .init(left: 20, right: 20)
KBMMessageStyle.receivedBubble.cellMargin = .init(left: 20, right: 20)

Text Message Font and Color

The chat text message font, text color, link color, default font size and font text style in the Conversation screen for sent and received messages can be customized.

let sentMessageFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 14)
KBMMessageStyle.sentMessage = Style(font: sentMessageFont, text: .white, linkTextColor: .red, defaultFontSize: 14, fontTextStyle: .subheadline, fontName: sentMessageFont.fontName)
let receivedMessageFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 14)
KBMMessageStyle.receivedMessage = Style(font: receivedMessageFont, text: .black, linkTextColor: .red, defaultFontSize: 14, fontTextStyle: .subheadline, fontName: receivedMessageFont.fontName)

Message Status Icon and Color

The message status (read receipt) style. You can change icon, size and the color of the each status (pending, sent, delivered, read).

// To hide message status
KBMMessageStyle.messageStatus.set(icon: .none, for: .sent)

// To set an image(template) with tint color
let sentStatusIcon = UIImage(named: "<image_name>", in: Bundle(for: KBMConversationViewController.self), compatibleWith: nil) ?? UIImage()
KBMMessageStyle.messageStatus.set(icon: .templateImageWithTint(image: sentStatusIcon, tintColor: .red), for: .sent)

// Just an image, with default colors
let deliveredStatusIcon = UIImage(named: "<image_name>", in: Bundle(for: KBMConversationViewController.self), compatibleWith: nil) ?? UIImage()
KBMMessageStyle.messageStatus.set(icon: .normalImage(image: deliveredStatusIcon), for: .delivered)

// Update image icon size
KBMMessageStyle.messageStatus.stateViewSize = CGSize(width: 20, height: 20)

Message Timestamp text style

The message timestamp text style can be customized.

let timeStampFont = UIFont.font(.italic(size: 12))
KBMMessageStyle.time = Style(font: UIFontMetrics(forTextStyle: .footnote).scaledFont(for: timeStampFont), text:, defaultFontSize: 12, fontTextStyle: .footnote, fontName: timeStampFont.fontName)

Agent avatar

You can customize the default agent avatar that appears for agent-profiles which do not have a thumbnail url.

var config = KBMConfiguration()
config.defaultAvatar = UIImage(named: "new-avatar")
// KBMConfiguration not available in Objective C

Rich Messages

Customize Quick-Reply and AppLink buttons

KBMRichMessageStyles.KBMQuickReplyButtonStyle.shared.buttonColor.border =
KBMRichMessageStyles.KBMQuickReplyButtonStyle.shared.buttonColor.background = .white
KBMRichMessageStyles.KBMQuickReplyButtonStyle.shared.borderWidth = 1
KBMRichMessageStyles.KBMQuickReplyButtonStyle.shared.cornerRadius = 2
KBMRichMessageStyles.KBMQuickReplyButtonStyle.shared.buttonColor.tint = .orange

let quickReplyButtonTextFont = UIFont(name: "HelveticaNeue", size: CGFloat(14)) ?? .systemFont(ofSize: 14)
KBMRichMessageStyles.KBMQuickReplyButtonStyle.shared.curvedButtonTextStyle = Style(font: UIFontMetrics(forTextStyle: .subheadline).scaledFont(for: quickReplyButtonTextFont), text: UIColor.systemPink, defaultFontSize: 14, fontTextStyle: .subheadline, fontName: quickReplyButtonTextFont.fontName)
/// Spacing between the two horizontal buttons.
KBMRichMessageStyles.KBMQuickReplyButtonStyle.shared.horizontalSpacing = 10

/// Spacing between the two vertical buttons.
KBMRichMessageStyles.KBMQuickReplyButtonStyle.shared.verticalSpacing = 10

Add icons to link buttons in Quick-Reply

/// Link button: If true, then it will ignore applying the `curvedButtonTextStyle` text color and will use the actual image color
KBMRichMessageStyles.KBMQuickReplyButtonStyle.shared.disableImageTintColor = false

/// Link button: Space between image and text.
/// Default Spacing: 10
KBMRichMessageStyles.KBMQuickReplyButtonStyle.shared.textImageSpace = 10

/// Link button: Size of image.
/// Default size :  width 12 and height 12.
KBMRichMessageStyles.KBMQuickReplyButtonStyle.shared.imageSize = .init(width: 12, height: 12)

/// Link button: use this to set your own Icon of the link button which is right of the text.
/// Default icon: Added from SDK which has icon name `link`
KBMRichMessageStyles.KBMQuickReplyButtonStyle.shared.linkIcon = UIImage(named: "link", in: Bundle(for: SuggestedReplyView.self), compatibleWith: nil)

Card Rich Messages

/// Use this to set the background of the card view.
KBMRichMessageStyles.KBMCardStyle.shared.backgroundColor = .white

/// Border width of card view.
KBMRichMessageStyles.KBMCardStyle.shared.borderWidth = 0

/// If borderWidth is not 0, set corner radius of the card
KBMRichMessageStyles.KBMCardStyle.shared.cornerRadius = 2

/// Border color of card view
KBMRichMessageStyles.KBMCardStyle.shared.borderColor = UIColor.lightGray.cgColor

// Title Style

/// Use this to set the padding of the subtitle label.
KBMRichMessageStyles.KBMCardStyle.shared.titleLabel.outerPadding = Padding(left: 10.0, right: 10.0, top: 10.0, bottom: 0.0)

let cardTitleLabelFont = UIFont.font(.medium(size: 18))
/// Use this to set the style of title.
KBMRichMessageStyles.KBMCardStyle.shared.titleLabel.textStyle = Style(font: UIFontMetrics(forTextStyle: .title3).scaledFont(for: cardTitleLabelFont),
                                                                                text: UIColor(red: 20, green: 19, blue: 19),
                                                                                defaultFontSize: 18,
                                                                                fontTextStyle: .title3,
                                                                                fontName: cardTitleLabelFont.fontName)
// Overlay label

/// Use this to set the padding of the overlay label
KBMRichMessageStyles.KBMCardStyle.shared.overlayLabel.padding = Padding(left: 5.0, right: 5.0, top: 5.0, bottom: 5.0)

let cardOverlayLabelFont = UIFont.font(.medium(size: 16))
/// Use this to set text style of overlay label
KBMRichMessageStyles.KBMCardStyle.shared.overlayLabel.textStyle = Style(font: UIFontMetrics(forTextStyle: .subheadline).scaledFont(for: cardOverlayLabelFont),
                                                                                  text: UIColor(red: 13, green: 13, blue: 14),
                                                                                  defaultFontSize: 16,
                                                                                  fontTextStyle: .subheadline,
                                                                                  fontName: cardOverlayLabelFont.fontName)

/// Use this to set the Text Alignment of the overlay label
KBMRichMessageStyles.KBMCardStyle.shared.overlayLabel.textAlignment = .natural

// Subtitle Style

/// Use this to set the padding of the subtitle label.
KBMRichMessageStyles.KBMCardStyle.shared.subtitleLabel.padding = Padding(left: 10.0, right: 10.0, top: 10.0, bottom: 0.0)

let cardSubtitleLabelFont = UIFont.font(.normal(size: 14))
/// Use this to set the style of subtitle.
KBMRichMessageStyles.KBMCardStyle.shared.subtitleLabel.textStyle = Style(font: UIFontMetrics(forTextStyle: .subheadline).scaledFont(for:cardSubtitleLabelFont),
                                                                                   text: UIColor(red: 86, green: 84, blue: 84),
                                                                                   defaultFontSize: 14,
                                                                                   fontTextStyle: .subheadline,
                                                                                   fontName: cardSubtitleLabelFont.fontName)
// Description Label Style

/// Use this to set the padding for description label.
KBMRichMessageStyles.KBMCardStyle.shared.descriptionLabel.padding = Padding(left: 10.0, right: 10.0, top: 10.0, bottom: 0.0)

let cardDescriptionLabelFont = UIFont.font(.light(size: 14))
/// Use this to set the style of descriptionLabel.
KBMRichMessageStyles.KBMCardStyle.shared.descriptionLabel.textStyle = Style(font: UIFontMetrics(forTextStyle: .body).scaledFont(for:cardDescriptionLabelFont),
                                                                                      defaultFontSize: 14,
                                                                                      fontTextStyle: .body,
                                                                                      fontName: cardDescriptionLabelFont.fontName)
// Action button styles

/// Spacing between the buttons.
KBMRichMessageStyles.KBMCardStyle.shared.actionButton.spacing = 10

/// Corner radius of button.
KBMRichMessageStyles.KBMCardStyle.shared.actionButton.cornerRadius = 0

/// Border width of button.
KBMRichMessageStyles.KBMCardStyle.shared.actionButton.borderWidth = 1

/// Use this to set the border color of button.
KBMRichMessageStyles.KBMCardStyle.shared.actionButton.borderColor =

/// Outer padding of button views.
KBMRichMessageStyles.KBMCardStyle.shared.actionButton.outerPadding = Padding(left: 10.0, right: 10.0, top: 10.0, bottom: 10.0)

/// Inner padding for action button text.
KBMRichMessageStyles.KBMCardStyle.shared.actionButton.padding = Padding(left: 20.0, right: 20.0, top: 10.0, bottom: 10.0)

let cardButtonTextFont = UIFont.font(.medium(size: 15))
/// Use this to style action button text.
KBMRichMessageStyles.KBMCardStyle.shared.actionButton.textStyle = Style(font: UIFontMetrics(forTextStyle: .subheadline).scaledFont(for: cardButtonTextFont),
                                                                                 text: .red,
                                                                                 defaultFontSize: 15,
                                                                                 fontTextStyle: .subheadline,
                                                                                 fontName: cardButtonTextFont.fontName)

/// Use this for disabled button background color of view.
/// Requires SDK v 1.13.0 or above 
KBMRichMessageStyles.KBMCardStyle.shared.actionButton.disabledBackgroundColor = .gray

/// Used for disabled button text style
/// Requires SDK v 1.13.0 or above 
KBMRichMessageStyles.KBMCardStyle.shared.actionButton.disabledTextStyle = Style(font: UIFontMetrics(forTextStyle: .subheadline).scaledFont(for: cardButtonTextFont),
                                                                                          text: .red,
                                                                                          defaultFontSize: 15,
                                                                                          fontTextStyle: .subheadline,
                                                                                          fontName: cardButtonTextFont.fontName)

Add icon to link buttons in Card rich messages

/// Link button: Size of image.
/// Default size :  width 12 and height 12.
KBMRichMessageStyles.KBMCardStyle.shared.actionButton.imageSize = CGSize(width: 12, height: 12)

/// Link button: Space between image and text.
/// Default Spacing: 10
KBMRichMessageStyles.KBMCardStyle.shared.actionButton.textImageSpace = 10

/// Link button: If true, then it will ignore applying `textStyle` text color and will use the actual image color
KBMRichMessageStyles.KBMCardStyle.shared.actionButton.disableImageTintColor = false

/// Link button: use this to set your own Icon of link button which is right of text.
/// Default icon: Added from SDK which has icon name `link`
KBMRichMessageStyles.KBMCardStyle.shared.actionButton.linkIcon = UIImage(named: "link", in: Bundle(for: SuggestedReplyView.self), compatibleWith: nil)

Customizing icons on individual buttons

Customers can set each rich-message button's icon individually. For example, they can now inspect a url button's data, and set one icon if it is or something else for elsewhere.

Button style can be implemented using protocol KBMRichButtonStyleDelegate and method getButtonStyle(buttonModel:).

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate, UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate, KBMRichButtonStyleDelegate {
    func getButtonStyle(buttonModel: KBMButtonModel) -> KBMRichMessageButtonStyle {
        var richMessageButtonStyle = KBMRichMessageButtonStyle()
        // Common style config templates.
        richMessageButtonStyle.textAlignment = .center
        richMessageButtonStyle.padding = .init(left: 20, right: 20, top: 10, bottom: 10)
        richMessageButtonStyle.backgroundColor = .white
        richMessageButtonStyle.cornerRadius = 10
        richMessageButtonStyle.borderWidth = 1
        // Card button template style for templateId 10
        if buttonModel.templateId == "10" {
           let cardButtonTextFont = UIFont(name: "HelveticaNeue", size: CGFloat(15)) ?? UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 15)

            // Card Link button style
            if buttonModel.type == .link {               
                richMessageButtonStyle.borderColor =
                richMessageButtonStyle.tintColor = .red
                if let url = buttonModel.url {
                    // Example for internal deep link icon config
                    if url.hasPrefix("myappscheme") {
                        richMessageButtonStyle.linkIcon = UIImage(named: "icon_arrow", in: Bundle(for: KBMConversationListViewController.self), compatibleWith: nil)
                    } else {
                        // For external link config
                        richMessageButtonStyle.linkIcon = UIImage(named: "link", in: Bundle.richMessageKit, compatibleWith: nil)
            } else {
                // Normal button style without link

                richMessageButtonStyle.disabledTextStyle = Style(font: UIFontMetrics(forTextStyle: .subheadline).scaledFont(for: cardButtonTextFont),
                                                                    defaultFontSize: 15,
                                                                    fontTextStyle: .subheadline,
                                                                    fontName: cardButtonTextFont.fontName)
                richMessageButtonStyle.borderColor =
            richMessageButtonStyle.textStyle = Style(font: UIFontMetrics(forTextStyle: .subheadline).scaledFont(for: cardButtonTextFont),
                                                        defaultFontSize: 15,
                                                        fontTextStyle: .subheadline,
                                                        fontName: cardButtonTextFont.fontName)
        } else {
            // SUGGESTED REPLIES or LINK BUTTON  style for templateId 6, 3
            let buttonTextFont = UIFont(name: "HelveticaNeue", size: CGFloat(15)) ?? UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 15)

            richMessageButtonStyle.textStyle = Style(font: UIFontMetrics(forTextStyle: .subheadline).scaledFont(for: buttonTextFont),
                                                        defaultFontSize: 14,
                                                        fontTextStyle: .subheadline, 
                                                        fontName: buttonTextFont.fontName)           
            if buttonModel.type == .link {
                richMessageButtonStyle.borderColor =
                richMessageButtonStyle.tintColor = .blue
                if let url = buttonModel.url {
                    // Example for internal deep link icon config
                    if url.hasPrefix("myappscheme") {
                        richMessageButtonStyle.linkIcon = UIImage(named: "icon_arrow", in: Bundle(for: KBMConversationListViewController.self), compatibleWith: nil)
                    } else {
                        // For external link config
                        richMessageButtonStyle.linkIcon = UIImage(named: "link", in: Bundle.richMessageKit, compatibleWith: nil)
            } else {
                // Normal button  style without link
                richMessageButtonStyle.borderColor =
        return richMessageButtonStyle
    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
         // Set the delegate the rich message button delegate using the below code :
         return true

Location sharing

You can enable using the below configuration


var config = KBMConfiguration()

    // If false, then the location will be shared as a link in chat.

    // Default value is true it will be shared as a map view in chat.   
    config.locationShareViaMap = false

To share location via map, make sure you have added Google map API key like so :


Chat Bar

You can customize several of the chat bar options.

Chat Bar Bottom View color

To change Chat Bar's bottom view color, edit the chatBarAttachmentViewBackgroundColor value, shown below.
This view contains all the attachments and other options.

DEFAULT: UIColor.background(.grayEF)

config.chatBarAttachmentViewBackgroundColor = UIColor.lightGray

Attachment Buttons

You can choose to show or hide the 6 attachment-related buttons (contact, camera, document, gallery, video, location).

By default, camera, gallery, and document are visible. To hide all the attachment options, add the setting below.

//To hide all options in attachment
config.chatBar.optionsToShow = .none

// If you want to show just two attachment options:
config.chatBar.optionsToShow = .some([.camera, .location])

// If you want to show all attachment options then use this:
config.chatBar.optionsToShow = .all

Mic Button

You can choose to show or hide the microphone button in the Chat Bar.
If true, then mic button is hidden.
If false, then mic button is visible.
DEFAULT: false

config.hideAudioOptionInChatBar = true

Line between Send button and textView

To change visibility of line between Send button and textView in Chat Bar, edit the hideLineImageFromChatBar value.
If true, the line between Send button and text view is hidden.
If false, the line between Send button and text view is visible.
DEFAULT: false

config.hideLineImageFromChatBar = true

Send button

Some elements of the 'Send' text button can be customized via the KBMConfiguration class

var config = KBMConfiguration()
let sentButtonTextFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 16)
config.chatBar.messageInputViewStyle.sendButton = ButtonStyle(font: sentButtonTextFont,
                                                                      titleColor: .green,
                                                                      titleColorDisabled: .lightGray,
                                                                      titleColorHighlighted: .blue,
                                                                      background: .brown,
                                                                      title: "BUTTON",
                                                                      defaultFontSize: 16,
                                                                      fontTextStyle: .body,
                                                                      fontName: sentButtonTextFont.fontName)

Message Input Area

The text-input area background and text fonts can be customized via KBMConfiguration

var config = KBMConfiguration()

config.chatBar.messageInputViewStyle.backgroundColor = .white
let messageInputTextFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 15)
config.chatBar.messageInputViewStyle.textView = Style(font: messageInputTextFont, text: .red, defaultFontSize: 15, fontTextStyle: .body, fontName: messageInputTextFont.fontName)
/// NOTE: Keep the font size of `placeholder` to match with `messageInputViewStyle.textView`
config.chatBar.messageInputViewStyle.placeholder = Style(font: messageInputTextFont, text: .red, defaultFontSize: 15, fontTextStyle: .body, fontName: messageInputTextFont.fontName)
/// Message input cursor color you can set using below code.
/// Requires SDK v 1.14.0 or above
config.chatBar.messageInputViewStyle.cursorColor = .red

Line Above Chatbar

The line above chat-bar can be hidden via KBMConfiguration

var config = KBMConfiguration()

config.chatBar.hideAboveLineView = true


Typing Indicator

The typing-indicator animation displayed when Agent is typing can be customized by setting your own dot view color via KBMConfiguration.

var config = KBMConfiguration()

// Dots Animation duration in TimeInterval seconds.
config.chatBar.typingViewStyle.animationDuration = 1.2
// Made Dots view background color now. Before it was typing-view background color.
config.chatBar.typingViewStyle.backgroundColor = .black


System Messages

Scrollable System Message

In your custom Localizable.strings file, you can update the system message at the top of conversation screen, for text such as privacy policy and terms and conditions. This message scrolls with the page and will be at the top of the conversation.

com.kbm.StartOfConversation = "This is the start of the conversation. Click here";
com.kbm.LinkText = "Click here";
com.kbm.LinkValue = "";

The com.kbm.LinkText substring will be replaced with an interactive element that will open com.kbm.LinkValue url in an external browser.

To customize the color and style of the system message:

 var config = KBMConfiguration()
 /// Set text color of header text
 config.headerViewConfiguration.textColor = UIColor.brown
 /// Set padding to header text
 config.headerViewConfiguration.padding = UIEdgeInsets(top: 12, left: 10, bottom: 0, right: 12)
 /// Set line spacing between header text lines
 config.headerViewConfiguration.lineSpacing = 2.0
 /// Set paragraph spacing between header
 config.headerViewConfiguration.paragraphSpacing = 7.0
 let headerViewTextFont = UIFont.font(.normal(size:12))
 /// Set text style to header text
 config.headerViewConfiguration.textStyle = Style( font: UIFontMetrics(forTextStyle: .footnote).scaledFont(for: headerViewTextFont),
                                                             text: .text(.black00),
                                                             defaultFontSize: 12,
                                                             fontTextStyle: .footnote,
                                                             fontName: headerViewTextFont.fontName)
 /// Set text color to link text
 config.headerViewConfiguration.linkTextColor =
 /// Set color of underline of link text
 config.headerViewConfiguration.linkUnderlineColor =
 /// Set custom icon to header
 config.headerViewConfiguration.headerIcon = UIImage(named: "<your-image>")
 /// Set width to custom icon
 config.headerViewConfiguration.iconWidth = 10
 /// Set height to custom icon
 config.headerViewConfiguration.iconHeight = 10

Pinned System Message

In your code, you can update the pinned system message at the top of conversation screen, for text such as privacy policy and terms and conditions. This message is pinned and does not scroll even when the conversation is scroll, and is always visible to the user.

First, to enable showing of this pinned system message, set hidePinnedSystemMessageHeader in config to false. The styling can be updated like so:

var config = KBMConfiguration()
/// Set whether to hide or display pinned header, default is true, here set to false
config.hidePinnedSystemMessageHeader = false
/// Set customicon to header
config.pinnedHeaderConfig.pinnedSystemMessageIcon = UIImage(named: "<your-image-name>")
/// Set text color to header text
config.pinnedHeaderConfig.textColor = .black
/// Set padding to header text
config.pinnedHeaderConfig.padding = UIEdgeInsets(top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0)
/// Set line spacing between header text lines
config.pinnedHeaderConfig.lineSpacing = 2.0
/// Set paragraph spacing
config.pinnedHeaderConfig.paragraphSpacing = 7.0
let pinnedHeaderTextFont = UIFont.font(.normal(size:12))
/// Set text style to header text
config.pinnedHeaderConfig.textStyle = Style(font: UIFontMetrics(forTextStyle: .footnote).scaledFont(for: pinnedHeaderTextFont),
                                                  text: .text(.white),
                                                  defaultFontSize: 12,
                                                  fontTextStyle: .footnote,
                                                  fontName: pinnedHeaderTextFont.fontName)
/// Set icon width to custom icon
config.pinnedHeaderConfig.iconWidth = 10.0
/// Set icon height to custom icon
config.pinnedHeaderConfig.iconHeight = 10.0
/// Set text color to link text
config.pinnedHeaderConfig.linkTextColor = .red
/// Set color to underline of link text
config.pinnedHeaderConfig.linkUnderlineColor = .brown

As with system header, the pinned system header's text and link can be customized in Localizable.strings file.

com.kbm.PinnedSystemMessageText = "Welcome, click the link to go to";
com.kbm.PinnedLinkText = "";
com.kbm.PinnedLinkValue = "";

BrandMessenger Localization

You can localize the strings used in BrandMessenger SDK by creating localizable strings file with all the translated keys. For more information, refer to the BrandMessenger Localization section.
If you are creating localizable file with a custom name, you must pass the file name here.
DEFAULT: Localizable

config.localizedStringFileName = "YOUR_FILE_NAME"

From v1.7.0, all BrandMessenger's customizable localized string names are prefixed with com.kbm..

Navigation Bar Title

com.kbm.ProfileName = "Conversation screen title";

Message Timestamp

Each message's timestamp dateformatter can be customized.

com.kbm.MessageTimestampDateFormat = "h:mm a"
com.kbm.MessageTimestampAMSymbol = "am"
com.kbm.MessageTimestampPMSymbol = "pm"

All customizable localizable strings

com.kbm.Back = "Back";
com.kbm.ChatHere = "Type a message";
com.kbm.ButtonCancel = "Cancel";
com.kbm.CamNotAvaiable = "Unable to start your camera";
com.kbm.LocationNotAvaiable = "Unable to share your location";
com.kbm.PleaseAllowCamera = "Please change Settings to allow to access your camera";
com.kbm.PleaseAllowLocation = "Please change Settings to allow to access your location";
com.kbm.UnspecifiedLocation = "Unspecified Location";
com.kbm.PhotoAlbumSuccessTitle = "Done";
com.kbm.PhotoAlbumSuccess = "Photo saved";
com.kbm.PhotoAlbumOk = "Ok";
com.kbm.PhotoAlbumFailureTitle = "Error";
com.kbm.PhotoAlbumFail = "Save failed";
com.kbm.DownloadOriginalImageFail = "Fail to download the original image";
com.kbm.IsTypingForRTL = "typing is %@";

// Storyboard
com.kbm.DoneButton = "Done";
com.kbm.Camera = "Camera";
com.kbm.SelectButton = "Select";
com.kbm.SendPhoto = "Send Photo";
com.kbm.PhotosTitle = "Photos";
com.kbm.CameraNotAvailableMessage = "Camera is not Available !!!";
com.kbm.GalleryNotAvailableMessage = "Gallery is not available";
com.kbm.CameraNotAvailableTitle = "OOPS !!!";
com.kbm.ShareLocationTitle = "Share Location";
com.kbm.SendLocationButton = "Send Location";

com.kbm.RecordingMessage = "Recording";
com.kbm.MicrophoneNotAvailableMessage = "Microphone is not available";
com.kbm.AllowSoundRecordingMessage = "Please change Settings to allow sound recording";
com.kbm.SlideToCancelMessage = "Slide to cancel";

com.kbm.EnableCameraPermissionMessage = "Enable Camera Permission";
com.kbm.Settings = "Settings";
com.kbm.Cancel = "Cancel";
com.kbm.SendVideo = "Send Video";
com.kbm.IsTyping = "%@ is typing";
com.kbm.TypingStatusDefaultPrefixName = "Agent";
com.kbm.Copy = "Copy";
com.kbm.Reply = "Reply";
com.kbm.You = "You";

com.kbm.ConfirmButton = "Confirm";
com.kbm.LoadingIndicatorText = "Loading...";
com.kbm.LocationSharingLoadingText = "Please wait while requesting the location";
com.kbm.OkMessage = "Ok";
com.kbm.VideoExportError = "Some error occured while exporting files";
com.kbm.NetworkAccessFailedMessage = "No internet access";
com.kbm.OkayMessage = "OKAY";
com.kbm.ReplyInfoMessage = "We are unable to directly retrieve this message for you. You can still scroll up your messages and view it.";
com.kbm.FailedToLoadLink = "Failed to load a link";
com.kbm.ExportLoadingIndicatorText = "Exporting...";
com.kbm.RichMessageImagePreviewTitle = "Image";

// set up a title for conversation screen
com.kbm.ProfileName = "";

// table header view text
com.kbm.StartOfConversation = "";
com.kbm.LinkText = "";
com.kbm.LinkValue = "";

// Pinned header view text
com.kbm.PinnedSystemMessageText = "";
com.kbm.PinnedLinkText = "";
com.kbm.PinnedLinkValue = "";

// Accessibility Button label names
com.kbm.BackButtonAccessibilityLabelName = "back";
com.kbm.ContactButtonAccessibilityLabelName = "contact";
com.kbm.CameraButtonAccessibilityLabelName = "camera";
com.kbm.VideoButtonAccessibilityLabelName = "video";
com.kbm.VoiceButtonAccessibilityLabelName = "voice message button";
com.kbm.GalleryButtonAccessibilityLabelName = "gallery";
com.kbm.LocationButtonAccessibilityLabelName = "location";
com.kbm.DocumentButtonAccessibilityLabelName = "document";
com.kbm.SendButtonAccessibilityLabelName = "send";
com.kbm.WebViewCloseButtonAccessibilityLabelName = "close";

// Accessibility Button label values
com.kbm.VoiceButtonAccessibilityValue = "Double tap and hold to record, release to send";

// a11y message labels
com.kbm.Delivered = "delivered to recipient";
com.kbm.Read = "read by recipient";
com.kbm.Sent = "sent to recipient";
com.kbm.Pending = "pending";
com.kbm.ReceivedMessageText = "Messsage %@ by %@ at %@";
com.kbm.SentMessageText = "Your message %@ at %@, %@";
com.kbm.ReceivedMessageLinks = "Link %@ by %@ at %@";
com.kbm.SentMessageLinks = "Your link %@ at %@, %@";
com.kbm.ReceivedMessageImage = "Image by %@ at %@";
com.kbm.SentMessageImage = "Your image at %@, %@";
com.kbm.ReceivedMessageVoice = "Voice message by %@ at %@";
com.kbm.SentMessageVoice = "Your voice message at %@, %@";
com.kbm.ReceivedMessageLocation = "Location by %@ at %@";
com.kbm.SentMessageLocation = "Your location at %@, %@";
com.kbm.ReceivedMessageVideo = "Video by %@ at %@";
com.kbm.SentMessageVideo = "Your video at %@, %@";
// Cards voice over readout 
com.kbm.ReceivedMessageCards = "Cards %@ by %@ at %@";
com.kbm.SentMessageCards = "Your cards %@ at %@, %@";

// Suggested replies button voice over readout 
com.kbm.ReceivedMessageQuickReply = "Suggested replies %@ by %@ at %@";
com.kbm.SentMessageQuickReply = "Your suggested replies %@ at %@, %@";

// Link button voice over readout 
com.kbm.ReceivedMessageButton = "Button %@ by %@ at %@";
com.kbm.SentMessageButton = "Your button %@ at %@, %@";
com.kbm.ReceivedMessageDocument = "Document by %@ at %@";
com.kbm.SentMessageDocument = "Your document at %@, %@";
com.kbm.ReceivedMessageContact = "Contact by %@ at %@";
com.kbm.SentMessageContact = "Your contact at %@, %@";
com.kbm.ReceivedMessageImageWithCaption = "Image with caption: %@, by %@ at %@";
com.kbm.SentMessageImageWithCaption = "Your image with caption: %@ at %@, %@";
com.kbm.ReceivedMessageButtons = "Buttons by %@ at %@";
com.kbm.SentMessageButtons = "Your buttons at %@, %@";
com.kbm.SaveContact = "Double tap to save contact";
com.kbm.Download = "Double tap to download";
com.kbm.Location = "Location latitude %f, longitude %f";
com.kbm.Upload = "Double tap to upload";
com.kbm.FileSize = "File size is %@";
com.kbm.Play = "Double tap to play";
com.kbm.ReceivedNewMessageAnnouncementAccessibility = "New message arrived.";

com.kbm.UnselectedButtonAccessibility = "unselected";
com.kbm.SelectedButtonAccessibility = "selected";
// For header logo 
com.kbm.BusinessLogoAccessibility = "Logo";

// Gallery photo or video select 
com.kbm.GalleryVideoAccessibility = "Video";
com.kbm.GalleryPhotoAccessibility = "Photo";

// File uploading not allowed Alert
com.kbm.FileNotAllowedAlertTitle = "Not allowed";
com.kbm.FileNotAllowedAlertMessage = "Uploading this file not allowed";

Chat screen

Background Color

Use the color hex code to change the background color of the Chat Detail screen.

DEFAULT: Color hex : : 0xf9f9f9

config.backgroundColor =

Date-section Separator

The conversation screen's date-section separator time's dateformatter can be customized.

com.kbm.DateSectionHeaderDateFormat = "dd MM yyyy, h:mma";
com.kbm.DateSectionHeaderAMSymbol = "am"
com.kbm.DateSectionHeaderPMSymbol = "pm"

Date Separator cell

To customize the font, text color, and background color for the Date Separator cell, edit the values listed below.


let dateSeparatorFont = UIFont.font(.bold(size: 12))
KBMMessageStyle.dateSeparator = Style(
   font: UIFontMetrics(forTextStyle: .footnote).scaledFont(for: dateSeparatorFont),
            text: UIColor.gray,
            defaultFontSize: 12,
            fontTextStyle: .footnote,
            fontName: dateSeparatorFont.fontName

Add metadata while sending messages

To add additional information (specific metadata) whenever a message is sent, edit the messageMetadata value.
This information is passed in message's metadata field.

var messageMetadata = [AnyHashable : Any]()
messageMetadata["customKey"] = "customValue"
config.messageMetadata = messageMetadata

Disable Rich Message action

To enable or disable the click action on all rich messages, edit the disableRichMessageButtonAction value.
If true, the action is disabled.
If false, the action is enabled.
DEFAULT: false

config.disableRichMessageButtonAction = true

Disable In-App Notifications

To disable all in-app message notifications, edit the isInAppNotificationBannerDisabled value.
Note: Be sure to set this in the AppDelegate and pass the same configuration to all BrandMessenger APIs.

config.isInAppNotificationBannerDisabled = true

Enable Link Preview

To enable link preview in the chat for all the URLs, edit the isLinkPreviewDisabled value:

config.isLinkPreviewDisabled = false

Note: You must also set Allow Arbitrary Loads to YES on your project's Info.plist file:


If you don't want to use the above option, then you can add specific websites to your allowlist in the Info.plist file:


Read more about NSExceptionDomains here