Customize Text Strings

Learn about text string customization in Brand Messenger Legacy on iOS

The SDK includes the following default text keys.

To override any of these defaults, create a string file called BrandMessengerLocalizable.strings in your Xcode project and include the key to override along with your customized value.

/* Nav bar button, action sheet cancel button */
"Cancel" = "...";

/* Conversation title */
"Messages" = "...";

/* Conversation header. Uses CFBundleDisplayName */
"This is the start of your conversation with the %@ team. We'll stay in touch to help you get the most out of your app.\nFeel free to leave us a message about anything that’s on your mind. We’ll get back to your questions, suggestions or anything else as soon as we can." = "...";

/* Conversation header when there are previous messages */
"Show more..." = "...";

/* Conversation header when fetching previous messages */
"Retrieving history..." = "...";

/* Error message shown in conversation view */
"No Internet connection" = "...";

/* Error message shown in conversation view */
"Could not connect to server" = "...";

/* Error message shown in conversation view */
"An error occurred while processing your action. Please try again." = "...";

/* Error message shown in conversation view */
"Reconnecting..." = "...";

/* Error message shown in conversation view */
"Invalid file" = "...";

/* Error message shown in conversation view */
"A virus was detected in your file and it has been rejected" = "...";

/* Error message shown in conversation view. Parameter represents the max file size formatted by NSByteCountFormatter */
"Max file size limit exceeded %@." = "...";

/* Fallback used by the in app notification when no message author name is found */
"%@ Team" = "...";

/* Conversation send button */
"Send" = "...";

/* Conversation text input place holder */
"Type a message..." = "...";

/* Conversation nav bar left button */
"Done" = "...";

/* Failure text for chat messages that fail to upload */
"Message not delivered. Tap to retry." = "...";

/* Status text for chat messages */
"Sending..." = "...";

/* Status text for sent chat messages */
"Delivered" = "...";

/* Status text for chat messages seen by the appMaker */
"Seen" = "...";

/* Timestamp text for recent messages */
"Just now" = "...";

/* Timestamp text for messages in the last hour */
"%.0fm ago" = "...";

/* Timestamp text for messages in the last day */
"%.0fh ago" = "...";

/* Timestamp text for messages in the last week */
"%.0fd ago" = "...";

/* Action sheet button label */
"Take Photo" = "...";

/* Action sheet button label */
"Photo & Video Library" = "...";

/* Action sheet button label */
"Use Last Photo Taken" = "...";

/* Action sheet button label */
"Share Location" = "...";

/* Photo confirmation alert title */
"Confirm Photo" = "...";

/* Action sheet button label */
"Resend" = "...";

/* Action sheet button label */
"View Image" = "...";

/* Error displayed in message bubble if image failed to download */
"Tap to reload image" = "...";

/* Error displayed as message if location sending fails */
"Could not send location" = "...";

/* Error title when user selects "use latest photo", but no photos exist */
"No Photos Found" = "...";

/* Error description when user selects "use latest photo", but no photos exist */
"Your photo library seems to be empty." = "...";

/* Error title when user attempts to upload a photo but Photos access is denied */
"Can't Access Photos" = "...";

/* Error description when user attempts to upload a photo but Photos access is denied */
"Make sure to allow photos access for this app in your privacy settings." = "...";

/* Error title when user attempts to take a photo but camera access is denied */
"Can't Access Camera" = "...";

/* Error description when user attempts to take a photo but camera access is denied */
"Make sure to allow camera access for this app in your privacy settings." = "...";

/* Generic error title when user attempts to upload an image and it fails for an unknown reason */
"Can't Retrieve Photo" = "...";

/* Generic error description when user attempts to upload an image and it fails for an unknown reason */
"Please try again or select a new photo." = "...";

/* Error title when user attempts to send the current location but location access is denied */
"Can't Access Location" = "...";

/* Error description when user attempts to send the current location but location access is denied */
"Make sure to allow location access for this app in your privacy settings." = "...";

/* UIAlertView button title to link to Settings app */
"Settings" = "...";

/* UIAlertView button title to dismiss */
"Dismiss" = "...";

/* Title for payment button */
"Pay Now" = "...";

/* Title for message action when payment completed */
"Payment Completed" = "...";

/* Title for user notification action */
"Reply" = "...";

/* Date format used for message grouping headers on the conversation screen */
"MMMM d, h:mm a" = "MMMM d, h:mm a";

/* Date format used for message timestamps on the conversation screen */
"hh:mm a" = "hh:mm a";

/* Error message when the content of a webview fails to load */
"Failed to open the page" = "...";