Developing and Integrating with Khoros Marketing

Learn about the various types of APIs in the Khoros Marketing platform.

How to use our Developer Documentation

The Khoros Marketing Dev Center is your go-to space for exploring Khoros API documentation, sending test requests, and reviewing Khoros API Technical Articles.

Our API Reference area covers the Khoros endpoints available across Conversations, Experiences, and Promotions product lines. The API categories marked with API Specification describe how to integrate with Khoros by leveraging the same architecture as our productized integrations. We’ve outlined how your service should function if you wish to build into our capabilities.

The technical guides in our Guides area provide deeper context for both our API and API Specifications.

Check out Getting Started with the Conversations API to get specifics on gathering your credentials, going through the Developer Auth Flow, and using your accessToken. This is key to review as the accessToken will be used to authenticate you for all subsequent calls to the Khoros Marketing Conversations API.

About Khoros Marketing

Khoros smart social software makes it easy for brands to connect with the people they care about the most. Because social is bi-directional, it provides brands with a unique ability to have conversations with their customers and reshapes the customer experience by giving a voice to billions of consumers around the globe.

The Khoros Marketing platform is leveraged in social marketing and social care settings. As such, we see the convergence of these use cases first-hand. For example, a social marketer might publish a Facebook post as part of a marketing campaign. But that post might trigger a response by a customer that is routed to the brand’s customer care department. We’ve also built tools for advanced social governance, which allows other important stakeholders - like legal departments - to participate in the brand’s social activity. As silos break down across organizations, Khoros’s platform provides visibility and insights across marketing and care departments and allows brands to rest assured that their brand stays protected in this new digital era.

To ensure social marketers and social care agents are as effective as possible, Khoros provides an open ecosystem. Our open ecosystem allows customers to easily integrate their existing technologies into our platform.


The Khoros Marketing Platform


Conversations is a central, secure social media management solution for brands to bring together all of their social accounts - and the people who manage them - into one platform. Customers leverage Conversations for content planning, publishing, managing inbound conversation, and reporting on owned performance.

Much of our API is focused on exposing key objects within the Conversations platform and allows you to write into the platform as well. The Conversations API includes support for a wide breadth of use cases, including:

  • Care agent performance
  • Care issue volume
  • Marketing campaign performance
  • Marketing content management and related content approvals
  • Account authentication, de-authentication, and reauthentication


Khoros Marketing now has a v1 and v2 of our Conversations API. What changed? The primary difference is that Khoros now pulls more information from your JWT token and has removed /company// from our endpoints. Going forward, we recommend using v2.
The v2 Conversations API has full parity with v1 and should be significantly easier to use.


There are no public Intelligence API endpoints at this time. Click here to learn more about intelligence and our Insights solution.


Customers use Experiences to find, curate, and share the best social media content and create branded experiences across every digital property.

This API extends the in-platform curation and visualization templates of the Experiences solution to allow for access to a flexible stream of user-generated content.

Review Management

Khoros centralizes review monitoring and customer support. Khoros can manage reviews from 100+ sites including popular online review sites like Yelp, TripAdvisor, Google, Facebook,, and much more. These sources are integrated into existing workflows to create better, more consistent customer experiences.

Integration opportunities with Reviews extend from our various Conversations offerings: Stream item exports, Analytics exports, care team performance exports, and our Notifications to name a few.

Care Module

The Care Module combines years of understanding what consumers expect from a responsive brand on social with proven technology that makes your teams more efficient.

Focusing on the customer and their issue alongside relevant social and CRM context, the Care Module ensures expeditious resolution by applying rules and automation to prioritize issues and route to the right agent. All metrics needed to measure internal effectiveness, SLA achievement, and customer happiness are available in comprehensive analytics dashboards.

Integration opportunities with the Care Module extend from our various Conversations offerings: Stream item exports, Analytics exports, care team performance exports, and our Notifications to name a few.


Capture, organize, and export key customer data through contests, sweepstakes, surveys, feedback forms, newsletter sign-ups, and more through a simple drag-and-drop design interface—no coding required. With the Promotions, contests and microsites are powered by the Promotions product, the APIs allow brands to export the customer data that has been shared by their audience.


Looking for more?

If you have a use case that is not served by the endpoints described on this site, please reach out to your Khoros team customer success manager and share your request. We review all enhancement requests for productized features and API endpoints alike, and we look forward to hearing from you.