February 2019

Social Media Management Release Notes, February 2019

All Analytics reports available in JSON format

The Analytics Reports API now supports JSON export for all report types. In your POST calls to /reports/report/{report_type} and reports/report/marketing/{report_type} you can now use reportFormat=json for any report_type requested.

curl -u username:password -XPOST \
  'https://analytics-api.app.lithium.com/api/public/reports/report/team_performance_interval?companyKey=[company_key]&startTime=1481212789920&endTime=1481817589920&timezoneOffset=-21600000& enableBusinessHour=true&reportFormat=json&locale=en&teamIds=175%2C154%2C151%2C128%2C42%2C155%2C210%2C71%2C15%2C63%2C192%2C32%2C153%2C69%2C65&timeInterval=86400000&includeDisabled=true'

Expanded support for reportMetrics parameter

Previously we supported the reportMetrics parameter in the /reports/report/{report_type} and reports/report/marketing/{report_type} calls only with the raw_agent_states (Agent State Export) report type.

You may now use the reportMetrics parameter to specify which columns to return for any report you run for all report types.


  • added: Request JSON export for all report types
  • added: reportMetrics support for all reports. Specify which columns to return for any report you run.